Several People Shot Outside Empire State Bldg This A.M.

In the video I saw, it looked like some of the cops were fairly close to him... damn near "point blank" range when the shooting started. I understand the police concept of threat elimination, but 16 rounds fired at one individual in a crowded area??? :dunno: For whatever reason, NY cops have developed a reputation for firing high numbers of rounds when dealing with this sorts of situations. I was just a couple of years ago that they did something similar and also hot by-standers. I remember many years ago when there was a debate in New York about issuing the cops high capacity semi-autos, rather than the standard 6 shot revolvers of the time. I'm beginning to think now that it may be a better idea to go back to issuing 6 shot revolvers to the rank & file beat cops and only issue high capacity semi-autos to cops who have received more specialized urban combat training - not really SWAT, but more than the standard training that these guys get.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Great find, Ulysses. Thanks for finding that. Yeah, 4 guys rattling off 46 shots says something is very wrong in the NYPD. I'd definitely take the average NYC beat cop back to a suitable six shot revolver (probably a .357) and then mandate that they pass a combat shooting course every six months or so. Fail and you're fired - or you could stay, but you wouldn't be allowed to carry a loaded sidearm... your choice. Do it Andy Griffith style, when he'd take away the bullets in Barney's pistol when he screwed up. :D The exact same is true of D.C. cops and probably most other big city cops. Years ago I shot with more than a few D.C. cops (all of us using .40 cal. Glock 22's) and many of them were downright pitiful at the range (firing from a standing position and a static target). Imagine what they'd be like in a tense, stressful situation with multiple people in an area (some innocents) and the adrenaline flowing! :eek: