seriously why havent they made a sex game for ps3 or xbox360

about a year ago i downloaded this game "bonetown" on pc (you can order the cd as well) and its was like a mixture of leisure suit larry, gta but with actual fucking. the premise of the game is to get your balls bigger and you do that by completing missions and fucking fat chicks eventually youl be able to fuck hot chicks and then beat the game. the game had just as much story line as any normal game out there and even a celebrity cameo by ron jeremy. so why not start making this type of games for the major gaming consoles? yea i understand that kids under 18 play on the console and it wouldnt be right but kids also watch dvds and they have adult only sections in video stores or just market the games to adult book stores. anyways thats my rant any thoughts?
Sony and Microsoft won't allow adult's only games on their consoles and retail stores won't allow adult's only games on their shelves.

Which is totally fucked up. I can walk into the store and buy porn, but I can't by a porn video game from the SAME store? Bullshit.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why the fuck do you want a game that simulates porn? Go buy a damn hooker and get the real thing. What's erotic or arousing about watching a pixelated version of yourself banging a virtual hottie?
What is erotic about banging a fat chick before you can finally get a hot chick?

In the end go find a adult flash game. It will ultimately save you time and money.
Which is totally fucked up. I can walk into the store and buy porn, but I can't by a porn video game from the SAME store? Bullshit.

You can buy porn at places like Walmart, BestBuy etc.?

The PC is your only choice and even then it'll just be independent companies doing it or those wacky Japanese folk. Simply put with all the restrictions in place there is no money to be made by developers and so they're not going to bother with this.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
There's a couple companies (G-Collections comes to mind) that translate Japanese adult games into English for PC. They're all hentai stuff, though. The chances of getting anything else is unlikely.
Like others have said, you won't ever be getting 'Bonetown' for the 360/PS3/Wii/DS. The consoles are currently seen as a "child-friendly" set of of systems, so due to Bible-type figures, you won't be getting ANY sex on them (though warped 'Biblical savagery' is possible on many, 'healthier' games - the Soldier Of Fortune series, I'm winking at you!)

Ironically, you can still get Manhunt on PS2 for £1 these days. Makes you think, dunt it?

I don't find sexy games that appealing (though would applaud a well-implemented one), but it's a weird world where extremely violent games ARE allowed, yet games that feature JUST exposed tits are seen as 'shocking'. The world HAS truly gone mad.
To be honest, porn video games don't sell anywhere near as well enough to be profitable. Making games pornographic means you can't sell it the way you can regular games, (that is on normal store shelves), and publishers don't want to deal with the hassle. That, and both Sony and Microsoft have said Mature is the highest rating they're willing to allow on their platforms, (at least in North America).