Seriously... how can you support ABORTIONS????

You can borrow it.

Ah, yes!

The Morgentaler!


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"Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a cloth hanger while still in the womb." - Christophe (Ze Mole)
Face it, you are never going to be able to deny a Womans right to do what she will with her own body! No matter what your religious hang ups are, you are going to have to keep them to yourself, you will not force your false morality on others.

Ike Stain

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Bill Cosby suggested it be allowed up to the age of majority:

"I brought you into this world, I'll take you out."
-Dr. Bill Cosby
What I find puzzling is, when a woman who is pregnant gets involved in a car wreck and miscarries, why is the other person charged with murder and or manslaughter?

But, when a doctor performs a abortion, why isn't he charged with murder?


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He's on a string and he reads from a screen... "consummate politician".

Granted, 0bama has a captivating voice range, his pronunciation of words is unparalleled (when addressing the public)
and he's as skilled of a teleprompter reader as you're going to find... looks to the right.... looks to the left... back to the podium...back to the left... repeat... repeat. From an observation standpoint, the whole act appears to be orchestrated and lacking in credibility, it gives me the impression that he's nothing more than a messenger for his special interest groups.

What has 0bama done for me lately? It's less than zero, much less.

Do you know he writes mostly all of his speeches

Ike Stain

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Approved Content Owner
What I find puzzling is, when a woman who is pregnant gets involved in a car wreck and miscarries, why is the other person charged with murder and or manslaughter?

But, when a doctor performs a abortion, why isn't he charged with murder?

Probably because society wants to punish the former more harshly, while the latter performs what is widely accepted and and unfortunate necessity.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
To be honest I wouldn't watch 8 minutes of a politicians gibberish just as I wouldn't listen/watch a preachers :bs: for 8 minutes, because they are one in the same, they both use mind control to mind fuck there herd! that's right all you ANTI-abortionist wackos are just mesmerized (BRAINWASHED) by mind control you silly little sheep! remember this, and in the end you'll thank me, OH BTW you bible thumpers are gonna hate me, but its gawds truth!!

RELIGION is the root of all evil!! It separates everything, it divides masses for no other reason then what version of HOLY book you read, worship and believe in!! It causes separatism, it causes hate, and it causes all of the issues that we as a people argue and fight about.

Being Anit-abortion is just a tool of religion, gawd says its immoral, its a sin, its murder! To logical people and the medical world its a humane way for a girl / woman of subjecting herself to 9 months of hell that would perhaps ruin her life (in some cases kill her or be harmful to her health) its a means to control the likelihood of a (needy bad mother/parents) from raising a welfare child or criminal to be!

Who the fuck has the right to make a girl/woman stay pregnant against her will to appease a bunch of people who don't even know that girl / woman or really give a shit about her?!? NOBODY except the girl / woman who has to commit to 9 months of devotion to a child that she doesn't want?? yeah right!! would a guy do that?? NO!!! so why make a girl / woman???

I wish all of you nosey "ANTI" this and that MF'ers would all wake the fuck up!!! and mind your own fuckin business and take care of and control whats going on in YOUR own life and what AFFECTS your own lives!!
:facepalm::2 cents::cussing:
"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Bill Cosby suggested it be allowed up to the age of majority:

"I brought you into this world, I'll take you out."
-Dr. Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby will one day go totally postal with machine guns. I have foreseen it.
What I find puzzling is, when a woman who is pregnant gets involved in a car wreck and miscarries, why is the other person charged with murder and or manslaughter?

Please supply actual legal documentation(s) of your statement.

Again, thank fuck almighty I don't live in 'merica!
I watched the video and I still believe the same thing - women should have the right to terminate ONLY during the first trimester. Until the 12 week mark, the baby in question is only an embryo, a cluster of rapidly building cells, and not an actual fetus. Anything past that point and I believe that its wrong. However, these anti-abortion politicians and the people that support them are horribly unsupportive of the children and mothers that might chose against abortion. Where is the support for women who choose to keep their child under less-than-ideal circumstances? Why aren't fathers who peace out of the lives of their babymommas and children being held accountable for that decision? And why aren't you anti-abortion supporters lining up to adopt the children that didn't get aborted but still weren't kept in their mothers care after birth? If you want to support life, and support babies being born even thought their mothers aren't ready for motherhood, then actually SUPPORT them where its needed rather than just give out your opinions on the matter. Opinions are like assholes - everyones got em. But if people actually cared about the mothers, the children and the cause, then women everywhere would have more support and might be more inclined to choose against abortion because they'd feel that they have another choice. Unfortunately, life isn't that ideal, and women are often left with little to no choice and little to no support from the fathers of the children and those around them. So - I am in support of womens rights. As a woman, when pregnancy hits its usually put on our shoulders to bear. Sorry, but most pregnancies are unplanned and what responsibility does the father carry? None. So I believe women SHOULD get the right to have control over her life, and control over what circumstances her children are born into - but again, only to a point. Only in the first trimester. And I firmly believe that women who get two or more abortions in a short time span should be forced to be sterilized. Abusing the system and using termination as a form of birth control is disgusting. :2 cents:

Well said Ash you fuckin rock girl! As someone who grew up in a low income neighborhood I can tell you first hand that abortions helps those who can't support or afford a child.Personally I feel that the pill or even the shot should b made availble over the counter. Some members of the GOP cracks me up sometimes your pro life but when the mothers cant afford to raise the kid and she gets on food stamps and medicaid shes lazy right. I actually like some members of the GOP as someone of color I feel thay have made great strides especially having Micheal Steele the head of the RNC even for a short time that was huge to me, but I gotta say there best shot to win is Ron Paul. As a liberal I say having a guy like Santorum the nominee is going to do nothing but divide your base and thats never a good thing heading into an election like this


Yoichi said:
[ someone of color I feel thay have made great strides especially having Micheal Steele the head of the RNC even for a short time that was huge to me,
I'd nominate Janice Rodgers Brown to the Supreme Court of the US... if I could. :D
but I gotta say there best shot to win is Ron Paul.
I don't think he has the best shot, but I believe he's the lone voice of reason and the most unwavering patriot among the candidates :thumbsup:.
As a liberal I say having a guy like Santorum the nominee is going to do nothing but divide your base and thats never a good thing heading into an election like this.
Santorum might stand for many of the things I believe in, but he doesn't really have the type of persona that's gonna get elected as potus. IMNSHO / :2 cents:

Good posty, Yoich!
I'm glad you don't live here, too.

Don't worry, Canada and China will own your country soon enough. :)

Any legal documentation of those car wreck 'murder miscarriages' yet?