Seriously... how can you support ABORTIONS????

Ike Stain

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Honestly, it's better than allowing them to be born then exposing them in the wilderness as is traditionally done.
Hey, all I ever asked was for those wanting a debate, to watch the video. Many in here refused to watch it. I'm not going to debate/argue with anyone who doesn't watch the entire video.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I watched the video. All the way from defining anecdote to "drink from the poison well, America". So, what would you like to discuss, Sam? Santorum is entitled to his views. He's passionate and somewhat convincing. But, he fails to differentiate in those "4,000 abortions a day in California" between "partial birth" abortions and those that are conducted at earlier stages of pregnancy. Does that matter? It seems to me it does since that's what Santorum is railing against. Again, I go back to the father of modern conservatism, Barry Goldwater- he opposed the religious right and viewed abortion as a matter of personal choice, not intended for government intervention. If you want to intrude into the personal lives of private citizens you can't call yourself a conservative.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I watched the video to demonstrate good faith to Sam. Probably foolishly, but I'm hopeful we can have a constructive dialog.
I watched the video to demonstrate good faith to Sam. Probably foolishly, but I'm hopeful we can have a constructive dialog.

Xfire, you make some great observations about the vid. However, Santorum is against ALL abortions. And the number he used of California abortions per day included all abortions, not just partial birth.

And also, he also says somewhere around the 5 minute mark that contradicts the Left when he says "every day we pass laws on the floor in here." he goes on to say "bills were written and others have stood up and said it is immoral to not have health care for people."

The point he was making was.. how can it be a pick and choose thing when it comes to deciding morals?

P.S. thank you for watching the video from start to finish.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I know that Santorum is against all abortions. He's speaking particularly about partial-birth abortion in the video and not all of those "4000 abortions a day in California" are partial birth. He's deliberately muddying the water to bolster his position. It's a moot argument because Santorum isn't going to win the republican primary. I agree with Barry Goldwater that abortion is a matter of personal choice and something the government shouldn't be involved with. Until the republican party gets away from divisive social issues like abortion and gay marriage they're going to have a hard time finding a candidate that can win against a consummate politician like Obama.
Until the republican party gets away from divisive social issues like abortion and gay marriage they're going to have a hard time finding a candidate that can win against a consummate politician like Obama.
In other words, they need to think just as democrats think? Then, we would have a one party system. Hmm... Obama would love that.

Hopefully, more Rick Santorums will fight for what they believe in and not cave-in to liberal ideology. However, I seem to remember a study that discovered a person typically liberal views and becomes a Conservative as he/she grows older.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
No, I wouldn't put what I said in those words. In fact, what I suggested is more of a libertarian/Ron Paul stance than it is a "democrats" way of thinking. It's not "liberal ideology" to oppose government intrusion. I've seen the "study" you're talking about and there's about as much substance to it as there is to most of the slanted and biased articles you post. You can believe what those articles or that study you mentioned says if you want, but that doesn't make any of it accurate or true.


You'll see why I asked, when you watch this video. Then and only then will I debate with anyone who opposes my view.

Random Post by a viewer:

Santorum and his wife had an abortion you NI*GGER hating NI*GGER hater.

And abortion is a huge reason why the crime rate is so low in the United States over the past 20+ years.


Closed Account
I don't support abortions. People who do are baby killers that don't believe in God. You're gonna take a life? Are you fucking kidding me? That kid could've grown up to be a genius or something and you're gonna take a life? Omg! Baby killers:nono:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't support abortions. People who do are baby killers that don't believe in God. You're gonna take a life? Are you fucking kidding me? That kid could've grown up to be a genius or something and you're gonna take a life? Omg! Baby killers:nono:

Every time you masturbate Jesus kills a puppy. How's that, you ungodly subhuman? Puppy killer.


Re: Seriously... how can you support ABORTIONS????

You guys have it all backwards, the democrats should be opposed to abortions because abortions are killing off a good percentage of their future constituency. Seriously, the majority of abortions performed are from those in the the lower/lowest income bracket of society (those most likely to become future democratic party voters).

Onto the main point of conversation... I'm in favor of a woman's right to choose up until the third month of preggers... after that, I get kinda queazy about the whole thing. To me, after the 3rd tri, it's a damned child, a baby, a human being ... my conscience tells me that it's not ok to terminate... even though the fetus will more than likely grow up to become a future member of the democratic party.:stir::D :1orglaugh


a consummate politician like Obama.

He's on a string and he reads from a screen... "consummate politician".

Granted, 0bama has a captivating voice range, his pronunciation of words is unparalleled (when addressing the public)
and he's as skilled of a teleprompter reader as you're going to find... looks to the right.... looks to the left... back to the podium...back to the left... repeat... repeat. From an observation standpoint, the whole act appears to be orchestrated and lacking in credibility, it gives me the impression that he's nothing more than a messenger for his special interest groups.

What has 0bama done for me lately? It's less than zero, much less.


Closed Account
I love abortions!!! They get you out of sticky situations.... yeah, they do
He's on a string and he reads from a screen... "consummate politician".

Granted, 0bama has a captivating voice range, his pronunciation of words is unparalleled (when addressing the public)
and he's as skilled of a teleprompter reader as you're going to find... looks to the right.... looks to the left... back to the podium...back to the left... repeat... repeat. From an observation standpoint, the whole act appears to be orchestrated, it lacks credibility and it gives me the impression that he's nothing more than a messenger for his special interest groups.

Well said!


Official Checked Star Member
I watched the video and I still believe the same thing - women should have the right to terminate ONLY during the first trimester. Until the 12 week mark, the baby in question is only an embryo, a cluster of rapidly building cells, and not an actual fetus. Anything past that point and I believe that its wrong. However, these anti-abortion politicians and the people that support them are horribly unsupportive of the children and mothers that might chose against abortion. Where is the support for women who choose to keep their child under less-than-ideal circumstances? Why aren't fathers who peace out of the lives of their babymommas and children being held accountable for that decision? And why aren't you anti-abortion supporters lining up to adopt the children that didn't get aborted but still weren't kept in their mothers care after birth? If you want to support life, and support babies being born even thought their mothers aren't ready for motherhood, then actually SUPPORT them where its needed rather than just give out your opinions on the matter. Opinions are like assholes - everyones got em. But if people actually cared about the mothers, the children and the cause, then women everywhere would have more support and might be more inclined to choose against abortion because they'd feel that they have another choice. Unfortunately, life isn't that ideal, and women are often left with little to no choice and little to no support from the fathers of the children and those around them. So - I am in support of womens rights. As a woman, when pregnancy hits its usually put on our shoulders to bear. Sorry, but most pregnancies are unplanned and what responsibility does the father carry? None. So I believe women SHOULD get the right to have control over her life, and control over what circumstances her children are born into - but again, only to a point. Only in the first trimester. And I firmly believe that women who get two or more abortions in a short time span should be forced to be sterilized. Abusing the system and using termination as a form of birth control is disgusting. :2 cents:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Because I don't want some whiny cunt bothering me at 4am.

You can borrow it.
I'm extremely happy to be non-american and non-religious.

If I was, there would be no one to entertain me! :1orglaugh
(and scare the shit outta me at the same time! :eek: )

p.s. -- to those who think a 1 second old fetus has a soul....what if the fetus is inside a Muslim woman, or a Buddhist woman, or any other non-christian woman? Then what? Your specific religion does NOT apply to every single human on the planet! LOL!