I watched the video and I still believe the same thing - women should have the right to terminate ONLY during the first trimester. Until the 12 week mark, the baby in question is only an embryo, a cluster of rapidly building cells, and not an actual fetus. Anything past that point and I believe that its wrong. However, these anti-abortion politicians and the people that support them are horribly unsupportive of the children and mothers that might chose against abortion. Where is the support for women who choose to keep their child under less-than-ideal circumstances? Why aren't fathers who peace out of the lives of their babymommas and children being held accountable for that decision? And why aren't you anti-abortion supporters lining up to adopt the children that didn't get aborted but still weren't kept in their mothers care after birth? If you want to support life, and support babies being born even thought their mothers aren't ready for motherhood, then actually SUPPORT them where its needed rather than just give out your opinions on the matter. Opinions are like assholes - everyones got em. But if people actually cared about the mothers, the children and the cause, then women everywhere would have more support and might be more inclined to choose against abortion because they'd feel that they have another choice. Unfortunately, life isn't that ideal, and women are often left with little to no choice and little to no support from the fathers of the children and those around them. So - I am in support of womens rights. As a woman, when pregnancy hits its usually put on our shoulders to bear. Sorry, but most pregnancies are unplanned and what responsibility does the father carry? None. So I believe women SHOULD get the right to have control over her life, and control over what circumstances her children are born into - but again, only to a point. Only in the first trimester. And I firmly believe that women who get two or more abortions in a short time span should be forced to be sterilized. Abusing the system and using termination as a form of birth control is disgusting. :2 cents: