Seriously... how can you support ABORTIONS????

I guess some of you are right. What's there to debate. Really? :facepalm:
I hope you watch both videos.

And this one while you're at it.

Abortion is a seriously sick thing, If I were a woman I would most definately not want it on my conscience. They would always have to think that maybe there is a God, and maybe he is not going to look at them very favorably for what they chose to do with his creation.

The problem is education, a lack thereof in the USA. The USA population continues to get more and more dumb each day, the dumbing down of American citizens has been going on now for a very long time, it has surpassed teh critical mass point, and is now in melt down stage. Intelligent, educated people have far fewer abortions than the uneducated. Having an abortion is quite an uncivilized thing to do, this decision is not so east for a smart person, a stupid person could care less how many babies they had snuffed out. The powers that be benefit from having the masses be stupid, and reliant on the government. Stupid people are m


I plead the 5th...
Abortion is a seriously sick thing, If I were a woman I would most definately not want it on my conscience. They would always have to think that maybe there is a God, and maybe he is not going to look at them very favorably for what they chose to do with his creation.

The problem is education, a lack thereof in the USA. The USA population continues to get more and more dumb each day, the dumbing down of American citizens has been going on now for a very long time, it has surpassed teh critical mass point, and is now in melt down stage. Intelligent, educated people have far fewer abortions than the uneducated. Having an abortion is quite an uncivilized thing to do, this decision is not so east for a smart person, a stupid person could care less how many babies they had snuffed out. The powers that be benefit from having the masses be stupid, and reliant on the government. Stupid people are much easier for the elites to control. This is the main reason for the mass immigration we see in the west today. Replace the smart people who are capable of questioning, with morons who will be good consumers and easily propagandized to think anything the controllers want them to think. The more races and people from different countries living in close proximity to one another the better, for those in control of the masses. This creates tension and mistrust among the people, keeping them from uniting to rise up aginst their slave masters. Take the average military enlistedmen for instance, they on average have lower IQ levels and lower levels of education than normal. The military wants people who are stupid, easily indoctrinated with bullshit US military brainwashing, it doesnt work on smart people with any education, our own JohnnyStro is a perfect example of this

WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. Now your insulting johnnystyro. That's low man. Your the one who is the uneducated idiot. Uneducated in logic.
WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. Now your insulting johnnystyro. That's low man. Your the one who is the uneducated idiot. Uneducated in logic.

We agree to disagree, but you are now commiting the same crime that you accuse me of commiting, may he who is without sin cast stones and all.......

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Abortion is a seriously sick thing, If I were a woman I would most definately not want it on my conscience. They would always have to think that maybe there is a God, and maybe he is not going to look at them very favorably for what they chose to do with his creation.

The problem is education, a lack thereof in the USA. The USA population continues to get more and more dumb each day, the dumbing down of American citizens has been going on now for a very long time, it has surpassed teh critical mass point, and is now in melt down stage. Intelligent, educated people have far fewer abortions than the uneducated. Having an abortion is quite an uncivilized thing to do, this decision is not so east for a smart person, a stupid person could care less how many babies they had snuffed out. The powers that be benefit from having the masses be stupid, and reliant on the government. Stupid people are m

Write whatever you want about me, but at least I can spell DEFINITELY and THE without having to use a dictionary or spell check. As for attacking my intelligence, come at me, bro! I'm a college educated veteran who thinks for himself.


^^^^^^ I bet I can type faster than you, maybe the teacher could be the judge, and we can have a typing contest? Oh, I forgot you are in the class with the special needs kids, you have a different teacher, sorry
Having an abortion is quite an uncivilized thing to do,

OMG!!! STFU!!! LOL!!! WWJD!!! OMG!!!

I suggest you sit down and write out a list of 'Civilized' and 'Uncivilized' actions people conduct every single day.
Maybe you will re-tool your definition of 'civilized'.

p.s. to sammy -- thanks for the vids! they were great! :thumbsup:
For sammy

For instance, instead of calling this thread "If you support abortion you are a MURDERED", he's actually asking you to express your position.

"Seriously... how can you support ABORTIONS????" -- that is not asking of position.

Now this:

OMG!!! STFU!!! LOL!!! WWJD!!! OMG!!!

I suggest you sit down and write out a list of 'Civilized' and 'Uncivilized' actions people conduct every single day.
Maybe you will re-tool your definition of 'civilized'.

p.s. to sammy -- thanks for the vids! they were great! :thumbsup:

I was wrong, it is completely civilized to have your unborn baby pulled from your twat and hacked apart. That is the pinnacle of civilization.

I believe the Renaissance happened as a result of new and improved methods for aborting a fetus.
I was wrong, it is completely civilized to have your unborn baby pulled from your twat and hacked apart. That is the pinnacle of civilization.

I believe the Renaissance happened as a result of new and improved methods for aborting a fetus.

See! Now you are getting it!

Just as "civilized" as killing other humans (post-womb) because they believed the world was round instead of flat (thanks Renaissance!).
Or killing them because have different skin colour or believe in a different deity (thanks Inquisition!)
Or traveling to another part of the world and killing people over there because they have stuff we need to fuel our greed.

Killing is killing, son!
Better get used to it cuz it's what humans (and your esp. your gov't) are so good at doing. ;)

p.s. -- life is much easier once you stop pretending that humans are civilized! lol!
See! Now you are getting it!

Just as "civilized" as killing other humans (post-womb) because they believed the world was round instead of flat (thanks Renaissance!).
Or killing them because have different skin colour or believe in a different deity (thanks Inquisition!)
Or traveling to another part of the world and killing people over there because they have stuff we need to fuel our greed.

Killing is killing, son!
Better get used to it cuz it's what humans (and your esp. your gov't) are so good at doing. ;)

p.s. -- life is much easier once you stop pretending that humans are civilized! lol!

Whole lotta "emceeemcee" speak right there.
While I am (edging toward being) against abortion, I do recognise, and stand up for, the rights of other people who may choose to have them.

Will you also recognize and stand up for rights of 12 Jurors to sentence a mass murdering, child molesting rapist pedophile to death?
I also disagree with capital punishment, but in your question it would be the opinions of 12 people, and I would stand up for them to decide that.
People should be allowed to use the full force of their justice system.
Whole lotta "emceeemcee" speak right there.


I thought you were going to STOP replying to my posts!!?!?

Nothin' like counting on good ol' infallible human nature to get you through the day! LOL!!!
I also disagree with capital punishment, but in your question it would be the opinions of 12 people, and I would stand up for them to decide that.
People should be allowed to use the full force of their justice system.

A what system???

Definitely a LEGAL system.

I think the justice system died along with the Old West.