SERIOUS Question...

If you will throw your hdd away, back-up your files. Well, you already know it.

Call police and explain whatever happened.

If he downloaded those craps from his e-mail boxes, it can be detected with a quite hard effort. Or get a fake e-mail and send those to him since he checks his e-mail not so frequent (so you can bang him before he gets rid of them).
Besides, the Feds usually go after the big ones if you get my drift, and you don't seem like that type. I think you're just overreacting. Just play it cool and you'll be fine.

I'm in agreement with Violator79. Perform a thorough deletion, keep your "friend" away from your computer and deal with him in however a manner you feel appropriate. If you're still uneasy I'd suggest calling someone who can give anonymous legal advice.
Do you have an alibi? anyone you talked to on the time of download?

That fucker really need to burn, call the police, are you going to let this fucker get away with this kind of shit?

As for your HD, if you want to clean it, there is a HD utility for it, depending on the brand, that will let you erase the HD completely.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

I just talked to a lawyer not too long ago. Long story short, I was advised to contact the police and tell them what happened. So, I did just that. I talked to a detective who worked in connection with the Chicago area crime squad that focused on internet crimes.

I find it a little awkward (and a little unsettling in a weird way), but he said, and I quote, "Do you realize how many people have that many illegal movie clips on their hard drive? Millions. To be honest, I wouldn't sweat it. Going after somebody with a few megabytes of inappropriate material isn't worth our time, nor would you even be in all that much trouble if we did decide to investigate."

So, I just gave him the name and contact information for the guy who downloaded the stuff to my hard drive, just in case his name pops up in some unrelated investigation. :dunno: As of now, nothing is going to be done about it, as the detective said that it was more than likely "just a joke" that didn't go over too well (which I agree with).

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?

I just talked to a lawyer not too long ago. Long story short, I was advised to contact the police and tell them what happened. So, I did just that. I talked to a detective who worked in connection with the Chicago area crime squad that focused on internet crimes.

I find it a little awkward (and a little unsettling in a weird way), but he said, and I quote, "Do you realize how many people have that many illegal movie clips on their hard drive? Millions. To be honest, I wouldn't sweat it. Going after somebody with a few megabytes of inappropriate material isn't worth our time, nor would you even be in all that much trouble if we did decide to investigate."

So, I just gave him the name and contact information for the guy who downloaded the stuff to my hard drive, just in case his name pops up in some unrelated investigation. :dunno: As of now, nothing is going to be done about it, as the detective said that it was more than likely "just a joke" that didn't go over too well (which I agree with).

So it turns out what I suggested was the most sensible thing too do, both lawyer and police.. thats cool!! trust me I am not bragging, I was just thinking how and what I would do too cover my own ass in that situation!! I am glad your not in ANY trouble!!!

I have too admit, I myself MAKE SURE NONE OF THAT ILLEGAL SHIT GETS INTO MY PC!!! I wouldn't open ANYTHING or knowingly even click on an illegal link cuz I am so paranoid seeing all these ONLINE PERVS AND MOLESTERS, getting raided!!!

I thought for sure the amount that asshole put on your PC was enough too get you in seriously deep shit!! I was gonna ask if you beat that ASSHOLE down??? as I was thinking about it, I started to ponder whether or not he was trying to set you up or frame you?? why would he download that shit on your PC?? he wouldn't be able too watch it @ your place?? I was gonna point that out too you... I hope everything is good then..

I know YOU AND I don't agree with each other on allot of topic's!! but I certainly don't wish or want you too encounter anything bad too happen to you, or you get into trouble or something, especially if your not even truly guilty of it!! take care cuzzo!!! :thumbsup: :hatsoff:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Still, even though you might think your safe, I'd watch out. Never known when Chris Hansen will just pop by...
The way the Bush administration "Justice" Dept. is headed, it wouldn't be too long before they start keeping lists of every person who downloads anything harder than Playboy stuff - with the exception of themselves and their friends, of course.

With any luck, Obama will win and will at least stop that momentum within the dept. With a bit more luck, he might even work to reverse it somewhat....

I just talked to a lawyer not too long ago. Long story short, I was advised to contact the police and tell them what happened. So, I did just that. I talked to a detective who worked in connection with the Chicago area crime squad that focused on internet crimes.

I find it a little awkward (and a little unsettling in a weird way), but he said, and I quote, "Do you realize how many people have that many illegal movie clips on their hard drive? Millions. To be honest, I wouldn't sweat it. Going after somebody with a few megabytes of inappropriate material isn't worth our time, nor would you even be in all that much trouble if we did decide to investigate."

So, I just gave him the name and contact information for the guy who downloaded the stuff to my hard drive, just in case his name pops up in some unrelated investigation. :dunno: As of now, nothing is going to be done about it, as the detective said that it was more than likely "just a joke" that didn't go over too well (which I agree with).

That makes me mad, That the police wont do anything, the asshole needs to fry.
You should still take M12's advice and buy that software program and wipe your system. No need to keep traces of that shit on your system.

Are you sure that guy was joking? I guess that someone would do that seems like a sick joke, but hmm. The way you described it makes it seem like your buddy is a wacko rather than a practical jokester. Did he think that you'd invite over some hot Geek Squad chick who would go to your system to fire up some porn, see that stuff and freak out on you? Was that the master plan?

It does make sense and is somewhat sad that the police have so many pedo pervs who are out in public committing crimes to keep them busy. That is a sad reflection on our society.
Things like this are why NOBODY but me ever even is allowed to touch my computer. If they did it would have to be some weird life or death situation. I don't even let anybody in my family use it just for the fear they would inadvertently screw something up that I would have to fix.