Sequals that shouldve never been made

What movie sequals do you think were unnecassary or just were awful.

My picks:
The Ring 2
Saws 5 to 7
every Final Destination followup
Legally Blonde 2
How about horrible remakes on classic movies...
Off the top of my head

Donnie Darko
Cruel Intentions
Paranormal Activity
Starship Troopers
Conan The Barbarian (Conan The Destroyer)
Planet Of The Apes
I know what you did last summer

Later Scary Movies
The Fly

Anything after Terminator 2
Saw films lost their novelty
Later Rocky films
Later Jaws films
Blair Witch
Jurassic Park

Matrix 2 and 3 saw the novelty wear off


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Escape from LA
Prequal to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Robocop 2
Delta Force 2


Was King of the Board for a Day
Staying Alive
Grease 2
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Son of the Mask

The list could go on for a while, so wouldn't it just be easier to name sequels that are considered "good"?
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Shrek the Third
The Sting II.
Caddyshack II
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Superman IV
Next Karate Kid
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Dumb and Dumberer
Psycho II-IV
Most sequels for Disney classics (Bambi II, Cinderella 2-3, etc.)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Pirates of the Caribbean 2-4