Re: September Carrino / Carinno - Big Boobs and Pierced Nipples


September Cherry Soda 01 Videos
September Cherry Soda 01 Trailer
Re: September Carrino / Carinno - Big Boobs and Pierced Nipples

Anyone who enjoys September Carrino, match these songs with her videos. ;)

Burgundy Cardigan - Rihanna "Where have you been" - after intro
Blue Streak 1 - Rihanna "Only girl in the world" - after halfway point
Polkadot Summer 1 - Rihanna "Rude boy" - halfway
Black Zipper 2 - Rihanna "S&M"
Spanish Yellow Top - Rihanna "Diamonds" (my fav) - 1/4 in or as soon as on her back shot starts
Rock and Roll Lace 2 - Rihanna "Rockstar 101"
Special HD Video 8 - Rihanna "Disturbia"

Got to start the song at the right spot of the video. Trust.

INGENIUS. Pinup glam, testify. Please.

Hire me.