According to The National Alliance of Mental Illness, 1 in 17 Americans have serious mental health issues (bipoloar, etc).
There have been estimates that 1 in 4 Americans own firearms.
Why then, if those with mental illness are the cause of all the mass shootings, are there not more shootings?
The people of are doing these shotings are not the captain of the football or basketball team, or on the Honor Society or student govt. These people, for whatever reason, are in a status they feel they should be and blame others. The example I give is the thought process as those who kill themselves by jumping in the path of a subway train during rush hour. They can't make their mark in life, so they make sure everyone will remember them in their final moments of life.
One way we might help lessen the numbers is by not giving the shooters what they what, by not mentioning their name everyday. Besides mentioning who they are initially, during the beginning of the trial, and sentencing, don't mention them by name. We know the name of Adam Lanza, John Lee Muhammed (D.C. Sniper), etc. Who can name their victims? Maybe if we give them the airtime instead of the shooter, maybe at least the copycats will see there is nothing gain because there will be no noteriety.
I like how you're thinking but, there's simply no effing way.
You don't have your age posted. I'm 47. When I was a kid there were 3 networks, plus PBS, plus a couple of channels on UHF (if you don't know what UHF is, you'll have to do your own digging. I'm not going to try to explain other than to say it was the precursor to local-access cable). That was it.
Now you have so many different organizations (news, sports, politics, every-damn-thing-else), all jockeying for relevance. There is simply no way that every single detail of every single story isn't going to get hashed and re-hashed. To use one, off-topic example: Back in the day, I doubt the Tiger Woods divorce fisco would have gotten more than a mention. These days it's a mini-series.
When these shootings occur, they are going to get massive attention, and as you say, this attention is going to spur other deranged individuals to do the same thing. And it sucks.