Scrap NASA?

Mankind is too rare and precious to limit it to one planet. I'm not one of those "the world is gonna end soon" type of people, but there is always a chance that the world could actually be destroyed by some sort of violent, cosmic force, it is very rare, but the chance is still there. Right now, Earth is the only planet known to contain intelligent life and we should treat it as the only place in the Universe that contains life, even though research and some speculation suggests there may be millions of planets like our own. It should be a fairly big priority to extend our reach to other real estate opportunities in the Solar System. Terra-forming Mars should be a first priority to allow humans, our culture and other species of life to live on just in case that slim chance the Earth is destroyed or uninhabitable, if NASA isn't around then that can't happen and that's pretty sad.
I believe were throwing our money into space, its being burned up into the atmosphere with all their space age technology, Why are they spending Billions of dollars to go to the moon or the space station, We can never make it to mars, so why waste time money and effort trying? :dunno: I know my opinion is only what I think, but common sense says this money needs to be used on healthcare not space ships. Life or Possessions?
NASA should be scrapped in favor of a new agency, one with the sole objective of furthering America's exploration of deep space.
Yeah, and every people should be nice with eachother, riches should be giving their money to poors, armies should stop making war and have fun alltogether, etc...

Thruth is NASA should be scrapped. Without creating a new agency.
US should put an end to space programs wich are costing billions with 0 results !
I mean, it's been almost 30 years since the last man went to another planet. What are you doing guys ? What are doing with the money you got from american taxpayers ?!
The NASA gave thanks to its advanced research gave birth to some fantastic planes like the x15 and the xb 70 walkyrie. This cold war era against the russians is gone, but Obama cares more about social security and healthcare rather than USA pioneering the aerospace technology.


For the EMPEROR!!
No NASA shouldn't be scrapped, however I think it needs an overhaul and a new impetus to make it more positive and efficient towards exploration and the colonization of space. Space exploration can also help the search for faster propulsion and cleaner energy. Especially considering how Man is depleting Earth's resources.
Obama cares more about social security and healthcare rather than USA pioneering the aerospace technology.
And he's right !
The money is much more spent if it's used to provide a decent life to the ones in need rather than wasting it in the sky !


For the EMPEROR!!
And he's right !
The money is much more spent if it's used to provide a decent life to the ones in need rather than wasting it in the sky !

With populations increasing and resources shrinking you think it's a waste to explore space?? .. Considering how many asteroids and planets have abundant materials we might need and not to mention places to colonise, space exploration should be a priority.
With populations increasing and resources shrinking you think it's a waste to explore space?? .. Considering how many asteroids and planets have abundant materials we might need and not to mention places to colonise, space exploration should be a priority.

I agree with you but the problem is as a planet we are still very divided, each country with a space programme is looking out for its own nations interests and certain areas or exploration will be ignored if they are not economically worthy even if they they could be immensely important for other reasons. If you notice in the Star Trek series the Earth is always united and space exploration/colonisation develops on from that. Ideally we need an international space agency that is funded by various govts but works independently of those govts so politics doesn't get in the way, imagine if the likes of the US, Russia, Japan and India all put their money and expertise together into one organisation rather than individual nations spending the same amount of money as other nations on developing the SAME thing. NASA could still head such an organisation and they could make money from advertising or selling space tours etc. I couldn't care less if a Russian ship reached MARS before a US one did, I'd just be happy someone did and would look forward to seeing what they uncovered. :surprise:

Connor Macleod

Staff member
How Nasa found another pyramid... Using former spy satellites, archaeologists are discovering the secrets beneath Egypt’s sands

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It's very interesting. I even read how once where one of our satellites discovered an ancient river-bed running thru the Sahara.

The thing I want them to do is excavate around the Sphinx. They had a team using ground penetrating radar discovered a hidden chamber under one of the paws of the Sphinx, but no one has ever done any excavation. Why?
It's very interesting. I even read how once where one of our satellites discovered an ancient river-bed running thru the Sahara.

The thing I want them to do is excavate around the Sphinx. They had a team using ground penetrating radar discovered a hidden chamber under one of the paws of the Sphinx, but no one has ever done any excavation. Why?

Further reading
I agree with you but the problem is as a planet we are still very divided, each country with a space programme is looking out for its own nations interests and certain areas or exploration will be ignored if they are not economically worthy even if they they could be immensely important for other reasons. If you notice in the Star Trek series the Earth is always united and space exploration/colonisation develops on from that. Ideally we need an international space agency that is funded by various govts but works independently of those govts so politics doesn't get in the way, imagine if the likes of the US, Russia, Japan and India all put their money and expertise together into one organisation rather than individual nations spending the same amount of money as other nations on developing the SAME thing. NASA could still head such an organisation and they could make money from advertising or selling space tours etc. I couldn't care less if a Russian ship reached MARS before a US one did, I'd just be happy someone did and would look forward to seeing what they uncovered. :surprise:

Exactly... if all the greatest nations of Earth worked together, we could be on Mars in no time at all. It's not all that hard to reach Mars it's just funding and communication that is the problem, if we had 10 or 15 other nations to work with, it would be easy.
If you notice in the Star Trek series the Earth is always united and space exploration/colonisation develops on from that.
In Star Trek series, the event that lead to the unification of earth is the First Contact , the first visit to earth from aliens -vulcans- after they noticed that humans just discovered warp technology (Zefram Cochrane, 2063).


For the EMPEROR!!
Ideally we need an international space agency that is funded by various govts but works independently of those govts so politics doesn't get in the way, imagine if the likes of the US, Russia, Japan and India all put their money and expertise together into one organisation rather than individual nations spending the same amount of money as other nations on developing the SAME thing. NASA could still head such an organisation and they could make money from advertising or selling space tours etc. I couldn't care less if a Russian ship reached MARS before a US one did, I'd just be happy someone did and would look forward to seeing what they uncovered. :surprise:

Your right Uly, but as usual it'd end up top heavy with beauracracy and corruption. The exploration of this solar system alone is fascinating enough, e.g is there life under the ice on Europa, not to mention the other planets and the wonders of the Universe (Multiverse). ... Actually I just want to make it with those hot Vulcan babes. (Live long and Party) :D
I think NASA should be scrapped because we have other needs and priorities. People don't want tax increases in America anymore, so there is no budget to do anything like head off to MARS. What would we cut and shift? Education? Military? Healthcare? Food Safety? Business regulation/SEC? Environmental/EPA?

I don't believe we're a united nation like we claim to be. It's sometimes sad to turn on a sporting event and watch the national anthem. People stand like zombies. Why we have the national anthem performed at every sporting event in this country escapes me. Save it for big events only (Super Bowl, Game 7, etc).

I think our political system is broken beyond repair, and NASA's needs are truly way at the bottom of the priority list.

We have lost hundreds of people and hundreds of billions due to tornadoes this season. We are about to witness Noah's Fucking Ark in the entire Midwest. People's lives and livelyhood are on the line every day.

Space exploration is a "nice to have," but it is no longer a priority.

A better use of our money would be to actually get our nation off fossil fuels, erect solar and wind turbines everywhere we can, and somehow get water piped into the state of Texas.
Mission to Mars one step closer as Nasa unveil four-man craft that will take astronauts on 49million-mile journey

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That's really interesting (and great, IMHO). They want to have the multi purpose crew vehicle ready to orbit the earth in 5 years, but how the hell are they going to bring it up into orbit? Ask the Russians to bring it for them?

They need a new shuttle-type vehicle, or they need to really open it up to private development which would, likely, undermine NASA's cutting edge. They would lose engineers to the private sector which is bound to pay better.
They would lose engineers to the private sector which is bound to pay better.

I don't see too much private sector incentive in space for a long time once the space tourist novelty starts to wear off, and it will wear wear off sooner or later if there is only a very small amount of people that can afford it. Not to mention I just don't see huge profits being generated by space tourist for a while. About the only thing left after that would be some sort of quick sub-orbital flights for commercial use, but anything like that is a long ways off and would be very expensive to perform.

If they lose engineers it would be them going into different fields altogether. In any case I think the advancement of most space technology will come from other things than things meant for space exploration and most of the technology will just get adapted when needed.