It was a great night and a loud and clear message to the unions. They sure have overreached. For some reason I kept thinking about a quote from The Dark Knight "you either die a hero or live long enough to be the villain". Though I thank the unions for being tough back during those years when working conditions were awful, they have overstayed their welcome and have now been around long enough to be the villains.
That's kind of deceptive though. Being a villain seems to imply your fighting against the good guys. In reality it's more the bad guys against the even worse guys, with corporations and politicians being the "even worse guys". To be blunt anybody with the mental ability above a retard that doesn't think corporations are the "even wore guys" is an idiot. While unions have had their faults, having them is still better than the alternative.
I also am amused that anybody thinks working conditions are good or even just alright. They are probably as bad as they have been since the 1940s and they are getting worse every day. Yeah maybe in comparison they are better than a 19th century coal mining town or some virtual Chinese slaves our companies use...for now, but that doesn't exactly say much for us. Thanks to the practices of corporations and the lack of power of labor much of what has went wrong as happened. In my observation people are against unions and other things like them, not because they think they are a bad thing in any objective way from a ethical or moral standpoint, but because of blind ideology that has been brainwashed into them to fear the socialist bogyman and not based on the merits of the ideas themselves. They don't have any good reason to believe the way they do other than either blatant selfishness or a blind political stance bordering on religious zeal.
In any case I think the main reason the majority of people might have went with him on this issue has more to do with selfish self interest, everybody wants theirs, and the fact the people that only appeared to be effected seem like a relatively small group. It’s easy to shove something bad on a group like that if it seems to have a little benefit for oneself or it cost some sacrifices on ones part. Everybody can afford to be apathetic when something doesn't effect them...until it does, and it will, in ways that aren't immediately apparent, and then they will bitch and moan on the rooftops even if they really didn't give a damn when some negative thing was happening to somebody else. In essence it wasn't about what was right or wrong as much as it was about what path would cause people to sacrifice less for themselves. People took the easy way instead of the right way.