Schwarzenegger Possibly Getting Divorced

If it bleeds...we can sue it.

haha I just imagine him getting the phone call saying he has a child.


arnold was just trying to fit in with the kennedy family by screwing the maid

Philandering: A long time Kennedy family tradition.... Outstanding Catholic family values there in Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
You go, Arnold! :boobies::sex::love-smi::nannerf1::hit:


Hiliary 2020
Even in her prime, I never thought she was attractive, and I always felt he was just using her, because of her name and the political connections that came with it. The marriage lasted a lot longer than I thought it would.

I thought the exact same thing.

But then again he met her around 1976 before I think he even thought about politics.
I do respect Arnold though, what he did.
Came to the USA, learned the language and did what he did. Genetics also deserve a lot of credit also,,,,,,,,as does dianabol and whatever forms of test he was injecting.
But he is a self made man.

Plus he gives good advices

"Arnold Schwarzenegger - I can look at a chick who's a little out of shape and if she turns me on, I won't hesitate to date her. If she's a good fuck she can weigh 150 pounds, I don't care." -in a 1977 interview with Oui

I guess that still holds true for Arnold. :dunno:

I guess that still holds true for Arnold. :dunno:


It's a little sad, but if you counted all the quotes that Arnold has in both all his movies and things that he has said in real life he has probably said more memorable short phrases and one liners than all but a few people in history. I used to know a place online that listed most of them. A lot of them are just funny as hell. If the one you quoted is true it's one I haven't even heard about before.
Revealed: The face of Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child

Read more:


Double take: The boy in a picture taken some years ago, displayed on his mother's social networking site, and Schwarzenegger as Conan the Barbarian in his younger days


Baena made $1,200 a week as a housekeeper for the couple a and 'was treated well by generous Schwarzenegger' once he found out that he had fathered the boy, who by then was a toddler


Hiliary 2020
Arnold always was a horn dog, he was kind of notorious for it in the bodybuilding circle of the 70's
He's practically groping Rachel Mclish, he touched her ass.

In brazil with his favorite body part, the ass.

Even rumours that he went both ways, but Franco said , " I never a fuck a no man".

It's amazing how a man who made his career on being in supreme athletic condition, makes his way all the way to political office and millions of dollars, just to be undone by banging a broke, busted, spongebob shaped fugly housekeeper. Not even Bill Clinton would gone there, Arnie!

As the Gov. of California, home of all things porn, I'da thought you'da done better than this. FAIL.