
Will E Worm

I found this game and modified it a little.

Use the first letter of your name or username to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, and things.

Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same first initial. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name or username:

Male name: (Different than your name)

Female name: (Different than your name)

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative)


A color:

An article of clothing:



Something found in a house:

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found)

Vehicle: (Make and model)


Postal Paranoiac
What is your name or username: maildude

Male name: (Different than your name) Mike

Female name: (Different than your name) Martha

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative) Minx

Occupation: Mailman

A color: Mauve

An article of clothing: Moccasins

Beverage: Milk

Food: Macaroni and cheese

Something found in a house: Maid

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found) Madrid, Spain

Vehicle: (Make and model) Mustang, Ford
What is your name or username: Dawn

Male name: David

Female name: Diana

Four or five letter word: Dumb

Occupation: Devil's Advocate

A color: Dark Orchid

An article of clothing: Dress

Beverage: Dreamy Chocolate Winter

Food: Doritos

Something found in a house: Doors

A location: Denver, Colorado

Vehicle: Dodge Viper SRT-10
What is your name or username: Timbobjambo

Male name: Tomas

Female name: Tessa

Four or five letter word: Tits

Occupation: Terrorist :p

A color: Turquoise

An article of clothing: T-shirt

Beverage: Thea

Food: Toast

Something found in a house: Television

A location: Toronto ( Canada - Ontario )

Vehicle: Toyota Auris ( that's the car i dive to )


Closed Account
What is your name or username: RealMenSwallow

Male name: (Different than your name) Ryan

Female name: (Different than your name) Rachel

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative) Rape (I can't think right now!)

Occupation: Rental Agent

A color: Red

An article of clothing: Ribbon (Seriously...I've got nothing)

Beverage: RC Cola

Food: Ravioli

Something found in a house: Rope

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found) Raleigh, North Carolina

Vehicle: (Make and model) Regal, Buick
What is your name or username: BlueBalls

Male name: Brian

Female name: Betty

Four or five letter word: Beer

Occupation: Biomedical Scientist

A color: Blue :D

An article of clothing: Bra

Beverage: Bourbon

Food: Bolognese

Something found in a house: Bed

A location: Babylon

Vehicle: B-2 Sprit.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What is your name or username: ChefChiTown

Male name: (Different than your name): Carl

Female name: (Different than your name): Chrissy

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative): Cunt

Occupation: Cook

A color: Copper

An article of clothing: Coat

Beverage: Cola

Food: Cucumber

Something found in a house: Cupboards

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found): Cleveland, OH

Vehicle: (Make and model): Chevy Cavalier
What is your name or username: ArabJames

Male name: (Different than your name): Antonio

Female name: (Different than your name): Andrea

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative): Afro

Occupation: Accountant

A color: Aqua

An article of clothing: Afropick

Beverage: Alcohol

Food: Apple

Something found in a house: AC Adapter

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found): Atlanta, GA

Vehicle: (Make and model): Aviator

Will E Worm

What is your name or username: Will E Worm

Male name: Wally

Female name: Wendy

Four or five letter word: Worm

Occupation: Writer

A color: Walnut

An article of clothing: Wrangler jeans

Beverage: white chocolate mocha

Food: Waffle

Something found in a house: Writing desk

A location: Walhalla, South Carolina

Vehicle: Woody, Chevrolet 1948
Male name: George

Female name: Gigi

Four or five letter word: ghost

Occupation: Gyneacologist

A color: Green

An article of clothing: Gown

Beverage: Gin

Food: Gingerbread

Something found in a house: gas stove

A location: Gabon

Vehicle: Gallardo , Lamborghini V10 2003


Postal Paranoiac
What is your name or username: maildude

Male name: (Different than your name) Mikail

Female name: (Different than your name) Maybelline

Four or five letter word: (Try to be creative) Meaty

Occupation: Macmaker

A color: Maroon

An article of clothing: Mink Stoll

Beverage: Mai Tai

Food: Mallburger

Something found in a house: Mice

A location: (Town, city, country, and so on. Name the state where the town or city is found) Mauna Loa Minnikeahuwonta

Vehicle: (Make and model) Mercury Mufflerdragger
What is your name or username: Dawn

Male name: Dustin

Female name: Dawn

Four or five letter word: Dick

Occupation: Dog Trainer

A color: Dark Green

An article of clothing: Dildo

Beverage: Deionized Water

Food: Donuts

Something found in a house: Dust

A location: Dzerzhinskoe, Russia

Vehicle: Dodge Charger

Will E Worm

What is your name or username: Will E Worm

Male name: William

Female name: Wanda

Four or five letter word: Wolf

Occupation: Webmaster

A color: White

An article of clothing: Wool vest

Beverage: Wassle

Food: Wafer

Something found in a house: Washer

A location: Water's Edge, South Carolina

Vehicle: 1951 Willys Jeep
What is your name or username: RogueWolf

Male name: Reggie

Female name: Rhonda

Four or five letter word: Roof

Occupation: Rocket Scientist

A color: Rust

An article of clothing: Rubbers (as in boots...pervs)

Beverage: Rootbeer

Food: Radishes

Something found in a house: Rocking Chair

A location: Ravenna, Ohio

Vehicle: Rambler