So I guess I'll go against the grain.I love Saw VI and have enjoyed every other one before it except the first one,although,I appreciate it a little more now after seeing the others.
I have a question,since everyone here seems to dislike/hate these movies,of all of you,who has actually seen them all?
The reason that I ask isn't to talk down,but I wonder if your dislike is just because you just don't like these types of movies,or this particular series just doesn't appeal to you.
I feel that those who claim that it's nothing but "torture porn" haven't seen them all,because #'s 1,3,and 6 are all not so bad in comparison to the others in the series.Also,there has been an intertwining of characters and subplots throughout the series that I have found to be fresh and interesting.Without that aspect,I could easily understand how someone wouldn't find them interesting,or that they are just getting boring,but I like how they keep putting things in each movie that forces you to remember certain events that were in previous films,and they usually are pivotal to the plot.
I guess I just find it a little weird that a lot of so called horror fans are quick to dismiss this series,when it's pretty much the only thing that's original in the genre today.