Saw 6


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Hope there's not a thread about this already. I searched but couldn't find one. What was everyone's thoughts on Saw 6, that is for those of you went to see it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Like the previous four sequels, the overall quality was somewhat diminished compared to its predecessor while the amount of gore increased. It was mediocre at best and left the door open for yet another film. They should have stopped after two films; nothing will ever top the original.
Lost interest after 3 :sunny:
It is becoming a "hack" movie. Being whore out so much it's losing its "buzz!"

Before you know it it will be "dull" and not as "sharp" as it was for the first two.

Ok. I'm done.

Yeah apparently they have 7 and 8 coming out, too. Enough! I watched the first one and yeah.

That episode of Two and a Half Men had it right where it showed a parody poster of Saw 35 and bunch of fingers all over the poster.


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I find it to be the weakest of the whole series so far, but reviewers are saying this movie was a step in the right direction for the series. I also felt the use of real-life social issues was a little pandering, maybe? Not sure if that's exactly what I mean. In other words, I felt the movie was being a little more preachy about the current healthcare situation.

I liked that they helped tie in a few new situations, but felt this one left more holes in the story than any of the other sequels.


First one was fucking great. Now it's just torture porn. I can't believe it's so popular.
I thought the first one was a pretty decent low budget horror movie. But since then I haven't bothered to keep up with the sequels. Frankly I was a little surprised they've made 6 of them already.
I thought the first one was a pretty decent low budget horror movie. But since then I haven't bothered to keep up with the sequels. Frankly I was a little surprised they've made 6 of them already.

agreed. first one was good, and I liked teh second one. the twist at the end caught me pleasantly off-guard. I haev seen the rest, but lost interest as they just get worse. no desire to see this one.
They keep going down hill every year, plots are ridiculous and not very entertaining any more. I will probably see it at some point cause the GF loves this type of movie.
So I guess I'll go against the grain.I love Saw VI and have enjoyed every other one before it except the first one,although,I appreciate it a little more now after seeing the others.

I have a question,since everyone here seems to dislike/hate these movies,of all of you,who has actually seen them all?

The reason that I ask isn't to talk down,but I wonder if your dislike is just because you just don't like these types of movies,or this particular series just doesn't appeal to you.

I feel that those who claim that it's nothing but "torture porn" haven't seen them all,because #'s 1,3,and 6 are all not so bad in comparison to the others in the series.Also,there has been an intertwining of characters and subplots throughout the series that I have found to be fresh and interesting.Without that aspect,I could easily understand how someone wouldn't find them interesting,or that they are just getting boring,but I like how they keep putting things in each movie that forces you to remember certain events that were in previous films,and they usually are pivotal to the plot.

I guess I just find it a little weird that a lot of so called horror fans are quick to dismiss this series,when it's pretty much the only thing that's original in the genre today.
I've seen parts 1-5 and my favorite is part 2. I still think the 1st one is one of the worst of the series.

I totally agree with you.I thought that 1 is the lesser of the 6,and 2 is actually my favorite as well,because of how it ended.
I totally agree with you.I thought that 1 is the lesser of the 6,and 2 is actually my favorite as well,because of how it ended.

really? I am complete opposite of you.I think 1 was the best and 2 was the worst.:dunno:
I liked all of them except 5. It was just OK. Like everything else with that many sequels the quality tends to go down when there are that many of them.
Saw 2 is a huge rip off of the movie Cube. If you want to see a horror/thriller/puzzle that's actually good, watch that instead.

Fuck Saw and all it's cash cow sequels.
Saw 2 is a huge rip off of the movie Cube. If you want to see a horror/thriller/puzzle that's actually good, watch that instead.

Fuck Saw and all it's cash cow sequels.

I have this film and have yet to watch it. I might check it out some time this week. It looks good, I just never been in mood to watch it yet.