For those familiar with
Occult agenda symbology, then you will see that this video has it all.
Monarch programming, Beta programming, Oz programming, cloning, multiple personalities, gay transgenderism, etc…Very bad stuff…make sure you tell your kids the truth about their demonic false idols….That is, those of you who actually give a shit about your kids…or the truth.
“The Video symbolically describes what happens to stars who get caught up in the higher levels of the occult entertainment industry, with no life of their own. their sound image, and even their personality are shaped by those behind the scenes.”
Taylor Swift’s Look What You Made Me Do is said to be about her poking fun at her foes and herself. However, the symbolism of the video directly refers to the sinister side of the entertainment industry and its obsession with mind control.
Taylor Swift is not new to the game. Back in 2009, in the article The 2009 VMAs: The Occult Mega-Ritual, I explained how Swift was part of a televised ritual. It was Taylor Swift’s “initiation” into the entertainment industry. After she was “humiliated” by Kanye West during an acceptance speech, Swift re-emerged, dressed in red, as a new and consecrated artist. This is when Swift’s work began to be tainted with the codes and symbolism of the occult elite.
Eight years later, at the 2017 VMAs, Taylor Swift premiered her new video Look What You Made Me Do (known as LWYMMD on Twitter). The message of the video couldn’t be clearer: She is now a full-fledged industry slave. What does that mean? Read on.
Most mass media sources who’ll attempt to “decode” this video will point out the disses directed at Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, and her ex-boyfriend Calvin Harris. However, by doing so, they ignore about 90% imagery of the video. There is something else going on.
To those “in the know”, the video can almost be read as an MK-Symbolism 101 course. Indeed, the video taps into all of the imagery and concepts that have been discussed on this site for years. Those who rule the entertainment industry need to have this Monarch culture constantly at the forefront of popular culture. Now it is Taylor Swift’s turn to bring it in full force, with a video that is breaking records of YouTube and Spotify.
LWYMMD is indeed a blatantly obvious Monarch manifesto. (If you’ve never heard of Monarch programming, a deviation of the CIA project MKULTRA, read this article first).
The main goal of Monarch is to program slaves to have multiple personas that can be triggered at will. Beta Programming (aka Sex Kitten programming) is used to create sex slaves to be trafficked in the shady elite underworld.
Newsflash: The entertainment industry is full of Beta Kittens. Newsflash: The elite brags about this in mass media using the likes of Taylor Swift.
They Made Her Do It
To understand the true mind state of the video, one doesn’t need to look much further than the title: Look What You Made Me Do. Industry handlers own Taylor Swift and they make her do whatever is needed to push their agenda.
The video symbolically describes what happens to stars who get caught up in the higher levels of the occult entertainment industry. Although they are insanely successful, they also become slaves to the industry, with no life of their own. Their sound, image, and even their personality are shaped at will by those behind the scenes.
The video doesn’t only portray Swift as a slave of the industry, it also announces that she has paradoxically “ascended” to the status of Grand Priestess. Sounds ridiculous? Maybe it would be ridiculous … if the video wasn’t so blatant about it.
The Video
Mass media has been hard at word “decoding” the video. However, most critics completely miss the main underlying thread of the video.
“The video is good fun, if a little bit mad; it’s certainly the most brazen and ambitious pop music video since Beyoncé dropped Lemonade in the spring of last year, replete with pyrotechnics and dozens of costume changes. But it doesn’t amount to much more than a succession of disconnected images.”
– The Guardian, Look what you made her do: decoding the disses of Taylor Swift’s new video
The video is not a “succession of disconnected images”. It is actually very linear and coherent. However, in order to understand the narrative at hand, one needs to a thing or two about Monarch programming.
The video begins with a zombie Taylor Swift rising from the dead.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Zombie Swift rises from the grave and starts singing about someone she really doesn’t like.
I don’t like your little games
Don’t like your tilted stage
The role you made me play
Of the fool, no, I don’t like you
I don’t like your perfect crime
How you laugh when you lie
You said the gun was mine
The first verse is said to allude to Kanye West and/or Katy Perry because they both performed on tilted stages. However, when one considers the context of the video, she can also be singing to her handlers who ‘play little games’ to program her and who push her into “the roles they make her play”.
We then see zombie Taylor burying the old Taylor.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
The old Taylor Swift is dead and being buried by a new Taylor Swift. This is classic Monarch imagery representing the creation of a new persona.
This image of Swift’s corpse is juxtaposed with the new persona laying in diamonds.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Taylor is bathing in diamonds and jewelry, next to a single dollar bill.
In MK programming, diamonds are used to identify Sex Kitten slaves who elevated to a “higher” level and to become “presidential models”.
“For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models, rubies to signify their Oz programming for prostitution, and emeralds to signify their programming to do drug business.”
– Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Symbolism to Create Mind Control Slaves
In the next scene, Taylor is crowned a “high priestess” of the industry. How? By recreating the High Priestess tarot card.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Swift sits between two pillars as snakes creep up the stairs.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
The High Priestess tarot card depicts a woman between the Masonic pillars Joachin and Boaz.
In previous articles, I’ve stated that Madonna was considered a High Priestess of the industry. It appears that Taylor Swift has now achieved this status as well.
But why is this Grand Priestess surrounded by snakes?
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Snakes everywhere.
Do the snakes represent Swift owning up to her being called a snake by Kim Kardashian on social media? On one level, yes. However, considering the occult context of this scene, snakes also represent a deeper concept. Indeed, in Mystery schools, the serpent is associated with Lucifer – the light bringer – the “savior” who brought knowledge to Adam and Eve by convincing them to bite the proverbial apple. She’s a Grand Priestess in the occult elite’s system.
On each pillar is inscribed ET TU BRUTE, a Latin phrase meaning “And you, Brutus?”. These words were made famous in William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, said by Caesar as he was being stabbed to death by his friend and protégé Brutus.
What does that mean in Taylor Swift’s context? Is she the Julius Ceasar of the industry who keeps being stabbed by lower individuals? Whatever. Because, in the next scene, we understand that, despite being a High Priestess and akin to Julius Caesar, she is still subjected to the will of her handlers.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
As Swift repeats the song’s mantra “Look what you made me do”, she crashes her car.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Taylor looks so stylish as she crashes her car. Self-destruction is so hot right now.
Why is Taylor Swift singing “Look what you made me do” as she crashes her car? Who made her do this? As Swift gets out of the car, things are symbolically clear.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Taylor is dressed in a feline-print coat – the occult elite’s way of identifying Beta Kittens. To make things more obvious, there’s a big kitty next to her. She’s holding her Grammy trophy, reminding us of the true cost of being under that sweet, sweet limelight.
When Swift sings “look what you made me do”, she is actually singing to the industry that owns her. It controls her rise to success and her downfalls, pushing her to self-destruction (and even death) if needed.
The next scene clearly depicts what being an elite star truly means.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Swift sits on a swing inside a birdcage.
Humans stuck in bird cages is a recurrent symbol to identify MK slaves in popular culture. This specific symbol has been identified several times on Vigilant Citizen.
While in the cage, Swift sings:
I don’t like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
This is blatant MKULTRA vocabulary. Handlers in MK programming obtain the “keys of the kingdom” of a slave by taking control of their core persona – their real self.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Although she is drinking champagne and eating lobster (representing the lavish life), Taylor is stuck behind bars as a bunch of guards watch her every move. She is not free.
The next scenes depict Swift as a Beta Kitten who leads a bunch of other kittens.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Here, Swift wears a kitty mask while wearing a Gucci shirt that features a feline head. On the shirt are the words “blind for love”. MK slaves are indeed blind to their situation and those who control them.
In the above scene, Swift and her followers steam money from a streaming company. Is that what actually happened?
In another scene, Swift is the head of an army of girl bots.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Swift speaks to a crowd of young girls as hypnotic kitties flash on the screens.
According to mass media, this scene pokes fun at Swift’s “squad” of models she likes to hang out with. This might be correct on one level. However, the imagery goes much deeper than that.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
The girls in the crowd are plastic, lifeless bots. Future beta kittens.
As a High Priestess, Swift has power and influence over the next generation of industry bots.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Here, the bots are on the floor, lifeless and dismembered. Once again, this is a classic way of depicting MK slaves who are fractured and powerless. Although Swift lays over them in a position of power, she wears a huge choker/collar, reminding us that she too remains a Beta slave. #squadgoals
The Old Taylor is Dead
The end of the video depicts the death of the “old Taylor” and the birth of yet another persona.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Dressed in black, the new Taylor stands above her previous personalities.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
As she sings “Look what you made me do”, Swift dances feverishly. Yes, they make her dance like that. And yes, they make her do that subtle one-eye sign. There’s a story behind “I heart TS” shirts worn by the dancers but that’s some gossipy crap I don’t give a crap about.
The next scene is another Monarch symbolism classic.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Swift walks away from an exploding car while wearing the Beta Kitten uniform.
This scene is yet another Monarch industry cliché. Need an example? Okay, here’s the final scene from Iggy Azalea’s video Change Your Life.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Iggy Azalea walks away from a burning car as she is wearing a top featuring a big all-seeing eye (symbol of industry slave). The strip club is called Cheetahs – a reference to Beta Kitten programming. Read my full article about this video here.
Then Taylor says:
“I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now.”
“Why? Oh ’cause she’s dead!”
The video ends with Taylor Swift’s multiple personalities arguing with each other.
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do"
Over the years and with every album, Swift has switched styles and personalities. In this scene, they all argue with each other, highlighting how they are different and artificially created.
At one point the zombie tells the starry-eyed, constantly surprised Swift of the early days:
“Stop acting you’re all nice. You are so fake.”
That’s the point of it all. Everything about her is fake. She constantly gets re-shaped and re-molded to fit her handlers’ will. Which one is the real Swift? Who knows? Oh, her handlers know.
On a more visceral level, LWYMMD is about death, pride, greed, revenge, viciousness, hatred, mockery, power, control, exploitation and boatload of egoism. It is about negativity, destruction, and low vibrations. In short, it is a typical product of today’s toxic popular culture.
“The main goal of Monarch is to program slaves to have multiple personalities that can be triggered at will. Bet programming (aka sex kitten programming) is used to create sex slaves to be trafficked in the shady elite underworld…
The entertainment industry is full if Beta Kittens. The elite brag about this in mass media using the likes of taylor Swift.”
"...Like in everything else in history, the truth about LWYMMD lies in the symbolism. Through strong imagery, the video depicts Taylor Swift ascending ranks inside a sinister system bent on control and exploitation. Stars like Swift are at the mercy of the people that control them. And when they are ordered to do something, whether it is constructive or self-destructive, they do it or they break down. And when they do it, all they can say is: “Look what you made me do...”