Facebook 17.sept:
Hey All- I posted awhile ago that I would "do something" to further my work in the Industry by June of this year. Well, that "something" was a major requirement (from my own personal- maybe warped- perspective) needed before I did any more video/photo shoots. As some of you know (however trivial it is), I've hated my nose. It has been broken so many times, it's all I would see when I looked at images of myself. So, it was re-broken & set straight last time I was in LA... and I am so happy! My friends and family back in NY haven't noticed any difference, which means it's not too obvious (a good thing). But, when I see it, I must admit I get a little thrill. It's been crooked since I was 6 years old. Sometimes small (and however expensive!) changes make all the difference in how we feel about ourselves... I know there are more important things to be fixated on in this troubled world. So, I can now apply my attention to more significant things!
My wish is that this post finds you All living in peace and finding solace in faith and hope (of any kind). I am thankful for my good fortune and want you to know I really appreciate it when I arrive here, at this FB page, being reminded that you're all out there in the world- and sometimes thinking of me.