Saskia Linssen is NOT Saskia Steele.
Saskia Steele has been on hiatus for 3 years, but yes, she will be back, soon!
Saskia Steele is not 38, she's younger, by a few years!
Saskia Steele does love her job, and misses all her fans...:blowjob:

Must be her or her manager, mainly her because she was a lot on the internet long ago when she was active and had a group were I was a member. If you look at the message this user only has one, started the account to answer here so must be her. I hope she comes back soon, she's a great pornstar and sounds like a good person too (At least what i read at her group and her messages).
^^ Great vid, anymore clips from that?
I remeber seeing a small clip of her doing anal. She was with 2 guys. I was shocked to see her doing it. Was this real or just me dreaming