Guys. You're in it for the thrills, SP is in it for the $.
Is that so hard to understand?
Like it, don't like it, whatever.
Like it, send money her way.
Don't like it, send money somebody else's way.
Really no need to bitch and complain and point out whatever things SP has or has not done or has or has not promised or will or will not do.
Most of you lay-moes probably have seen 99% of her material or more through pirated material.
Vote for her or not. But why the anger?
As for me, looking forward to anything SP produces.
What a lame thing to say. Sorry to say this, but I think you need some glasses. Maybe mom can buy you some.
OMFG you are ridiculous, you really have nothing going on in you life do you? Get a life and stop analyzing everything I said.
My point being was im not promising individuals anything for the votes, is that worded better for you? Now, why don't you go to another models thread and bother them.
hi, sarah, i've been a long time fan of yours and just wanted to turn this into a POSITIVE thread by saying how beautiful you are and will gladly vote for you. can't wait for the HC. Too bad I can't be in it!
saw you on howard stern. any more thoughts on getting a boob job? IMO, go for it!
love from a fan
On a lighter note: today, both Sarah and Andi need extra votes to get them through to the next round, it only takes a minute or two to do, and helps them enormously
hi, sarah, i've been a long time fan of yours and just wanted to turn this into a POSITIVE thread by saying how beautiful you are and will gladly vote for you. can't wait for the HC. Too bad I can't be in it!
saw you on howard stern. any more thoughts on getting a boob job? IMO, go for it!
love from a fan
How often do you update your site Sarah? I hear that you are getting active on it again.. contains content from, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Yea definitely no boob job! I hate when my favorite models get boob jobs.