Sarah Palin's campaign clothes cost HOW much?

" Sarah Palin says she’s just "your average hockey mom." But she sure doesn’t dress like one.

Seems the RNC coughed up a whopping $150,000 to outfit/accessorize Palin and her family for the campaign trail.

The tally included included a $75,062.63 visit to Neiman Marcus and two Saks Fifth Avenue pit shops totaling $49,425.74, according to Jeanne Cummings at Politico. That's a lot more than the $1,874 spent by average Americans, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.'

Sounds like the eliteism thing has gotten to her now LOL.
This should come as no surprise. The wardrobe costs for actresses like Sarah Palin can be astronimical.

Remember, all she's really doing is 'acting' Vice Presidential. Those fancy clothes help her 'look the part'.
oh come on, fri. Don't you think that is a bit of a partisan blow? we all know that Obama's camp is paying just as much for petty crap. why are we being suckered into looking at this shit and avoiding the real issues? I wouldn't have expected you to fall for that.
oh come on, fri. Don't you think that is a bit of a partisan blow? we all know that Obama's camp is paying just as much for petty crap. why are we being suckered into looking at this shit and avoiding the real issues? I wouldn't have expected you to fall for that.

Find me a story of $150,000 for Obama's clothes paid by the DNC and I will then say yeah ok your right,till then negatory lol.These are the folks who go round tallking about elites and reform of DC and being "mavericks".Anything that shows them to be less than that is a valid issue IMO.More legit as an issue then a lot of things we hear.
Well, if Joe Sixpack Plumber rakes in that quarter of a mil (in one year) that he's counting on (with Rush Limbaugh and co's help), that budget for his wife's/girlfriend's short-term wardrobe would almost be possible....

And it's gotta be said - we started down this road when a big fuss was made over John Edwards' haircut. True, it's not substantive in either case. It's not "the issues", unless the issue is how much EITHER party can relate to Joe Sixpack. The answer I'm seeing: The Dems can't really relate that much at all. Sporadically, at best, and if they're inclined to think of their humble pasts, if they have them. The Republicans can't relate even the slightest bit, ever. If they have humble pasts they are eager to leave them behind and be swept up by fancy clothes, glasses, shoes, etc.

They're both BAD, it's just the GOP is WORSE. And in this case, Palin's doing this shit while talking about sellin' planes on Ebay and being a Maverick who will shake things up while working for Joe Sixpack, blah, blah, blah...
It is at least as valid a story as John Edwards and his 400 dollar haircut.

If those boots she wore on SNL were part of the 150K then I say it was a pretty good deal. Yum!
Oh brother the amount of time and energy that the media puts on downing and trashing this lady is ubelievable. I am so sick of it I hope it backlash and it cost Obama his election, now that would be costly indeed. Oh yeah wanna hear stupid listen to Joe Biden opening his mouth once again:

Mark his words you must show him all that love that you have shown them even if they make some decisions that might not seem right you Obamaniacs you...
Oh brother the amount of time and energy that the media puts on downing and trashing this lady is ubelievable.

yeah, I've never seen a political smear campaign before, that is sure to cost a candidate the election.

I guess that means that Ron Paul is going to win then, eh?


More importantly is, I demand forensics on obama's birth certificate !! I will continue to refer to the man with a baby "o" until he does !:D
Hand it over Barry ! . . your medical records too, while you're at it. Let's get the material authenticated and stop the controversy already ! Why do you feel so special that you need not cooperate with the program ? Are we beyond all that intrusive stuff at this point in time ? :rolleyes: Is that the brand of progressivism that you represent ? Above it all despotism ? Oh, so you're only open for a certain specific, hand picked, set of questions from a select, hand picked group of "reporters", is that right ? What are you concealing, jr senator ?

Everybody has the right to look nice ! :tongue:
I want receipts for Palin's wardrobe too ! Let's see it Sarah !


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe :turnturn: $700 BILLION bail out

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah...I think we have bigger problems than how much Sarah Palin's sport jacket costs.
Everybody has the right to look nice ! :tongue:

Wow....really? When did that become a right?

(and I'd always heard that it was the LEFT that was coming up with new "rights" all the time!)

But that was a very whacked post, I gotta say, Facetious!


Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe :turnturn: $700 BILLION bail out

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah...I think we have bigger problems than how much Sarah Palin's sport jacket costs.

Yes, we obviously do, but this bit is telling because Palin & McCain have been harping incessantly on Obama's "elitism" and how much THEY can relate to the average Joe (Sixpack and Plumber). If they will stop this pathetic posing, posturing, and grandstanding about how much they are the candidates for "average" people, I'll be happy to forget about her $150K clothes budget.
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Middle class just like you and me she states. Maybe I need to go shopping for some clothes. Wonder if the GOP would pay for them? After I am done with them, I will donate them to charity and that will make it all better....
Isn't anyone concerned with Obama's $2 million dollar party? Who gives a shit how much someone's clothes cost? Obama's suits cost $800 a pop and he's got lots of them! Where did he get the money to pay for those? Oh, the socialist party gave him the money! That explains it all.
Does anybody really see these politicians as middle class citizens? Could be just me, but I always sort of guessed that it takes a lot of money to get where they are. :dunno:
Does anybody really see these politicians as middle class citizens? Could be just me, but I always sort of guessed that it takes a lot of money to get where they are. :dunno:

Well, I think by most definitions politicians are largely outside of the middle class. Based on income and (typically) education, most of them are at LEAST upper-middle class by any reasonable standards (I'd guess whatever divisions the census bureau uses), and the vast majority are probably in the upper class. People like Cheney and McCain are multimillionaires, many time over. Probably Bush is too. He certainly started out with an advantageous situation, regarding family and wealth.

But not EVERY politician comes from a family with wealth and/or power.

From what I know and have read, neither Dennis Kucinich or Barack Obama came from situations of wealth and privilege. Hell, Kucinich has been homeless at least once in his life.
Well, I think by most definitions politicians are largely outside of the middle class. Based on income and (typically) education, most of them are at LEAST upper-middle class by any reasonable standards (I'd guess whatever divisions the census bureau uses), and the vast majority are probably in the upper class. People like Cheney and McCain are multimillionaires, many time over. Probably Bush is too. He certainly started out with an advantageous situation, regarding family and wealth.

But not EVERY politician comes from a family with wealth and/or power.

From what I know and have read, neither Dennis Kucinich or Barack Obama came from situations of wealth and privilege. Hell, Kucinich has been homeless at least once in his life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they all came from privilege, but once they get to the stage they are at now, they've GOT to be rich. In today's advertising-centric world, it's pretty much a given. I understand politicians may work their way up from the bottom, because I know some do, and I respect that, but I just don't see how a person could be a running for a high office and not be wealthy. :dunno:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they all came from privilege, but once they get to the stage they are at now, they've GOT to be rich. In today's advertising-centric world, it's pretty much a given. I understand politicians may work their way up from the bottom, because I know some do, and I respect that, but I just don't see how a person could be a running for a high office and not be wealthy. :dunno:

No, I think I get your point (and I wasn't trying to be argumentative; if anything I was trying to show that maybe it's not a completely horrible situation, just a very, very bad one).

I guess I would just say that perhaps some politicians CAN remember their own experiences where their family endured tight budgets. An even smaller number can remember those times, and are even willing to remember them without valorizing themselves and fabricating a bunch of right-wing b.s. as to how they got out of their situation (they worked hard, while everyone else was just lazy).

Look at this about Biden (from Wiki):

"Biden's father had been very well-off earlier in his life, but had suffered several business reverses by the time Biden was born.[5] For several years the family had to live with Biden's maternal grandparents.[5] Then the Scranton area went into economic decline during the 1950s, and Biden's father could not find enough work.[6] The Biden family moved to an apartment in Claymont, Delaware in 1953, where they lived for a few years before moving to a house in Wilmington, Delaware.[5] His father then did better as a used car salesman and the family's circumstances were middle class.[6][7][5] One of his grandfathers was a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate."


"With a net worth between $59,000 and $366,000, and almost no outside income or investment income, he is consistently ranked as one of the least wealthy members of the Senate.[65][66][67] Biden states that he has been listed as the second poorest member in Congress, a distinction that he is not proud of, but attributes it to being elected early in his career."

Yes, compared to many/most Americans who are not only not rich at all, and not only have zero net worth but are in debt, Biden looks comparatively comfy. But he hardly looks like he has some financial portfolio like McCain, Cheney, or whoever. I bet he knows how many homes he owns (and I'm guessing it's probably one, with MAYBE a vacation cottage tacked on somewhere). It's not like his income and wealth are so stratospheric that he can't comprehend normal socioeconomic problems that people go through. And he's surely not of a piece with the Wall Street dudes who destroy a company and the people who (actually) work for it, then quit/retire with a golden parachute for $200 million or something similarly obscene.

There's PLENTY that I disagree with Biden about policy-wise, but I don't think he's been so cloistered by unimaginable wealth that he's all but an alien to most people.

:2 cents: