The issue of the surge came up last night and in the McCain / Obama debate too. The fact is we were sold a list of falsehoods to get us there, and it's been handled and mismanaged to grow from liberation in Iraqi minds to a major disaster. Bush recently stated the lesson of Vietnam was, "Don't give up". According to all the books I've read on Iraq the only reason for the surge was to fix the extreme damage to the "cause", due to that mismanagement. So a lot of work to put out the fire they threw gasoline on called the surge becomes the sticking point, that McCain wants Obama to agree was successful. What successful? They screwed up royally again, and so fixed some of it. In Obama's mind what has that got to do with being in an unjust war anyway? The bigger point is we shouldn't be there.
Lots of people in Darfur can use the US military's help right now.
Vietnam's lesson was dont give up? If he meant the South Koreans should not give up, sure. If he meant America.. WTF? That was was so hated it wasnt even funny. The lesson there is stay the fuck away from other people's fights!
the dirtbirds :helpme: :helpme:
Are they fapping? It almost looks like they are. Are those campaign managers or perverts that snuck in?