Basically, yes. There are only so many hours in the day. This is porn hour. Don't kill my boner.
This is precisely why all political posts in a porn forum must contain at least one porn link, so that the porn forum viewer, when they find they've grown tired of reading mostly pointless text about politics, can immediately click on a porn-containing link without so much as having to scroll or flip a window.
The other reason is to emphasize one's position or opinion with porn, as if a big set of great clips adds weight to the content of the post. "Government paid healthcare! And here's some bigtits clips to prove it!" (lol)
As for posts without porn, what? did you say something? I didn't notice, there wasn't any porn in it.
Now let's see, what sort of porn will back up this post? Ah, I know...
How about some Alexis Texas and her voluminous ass?
Please note: There's four 5.6 meg clips on this page (check that fourth clip...). Count up the filename - 1, 2, 3, 4 - to get the other four parts of each clip. So, you can pull just about 90 meg out of that one link, over 22 if you just click and click.
No matter who ends up elected, it probably won't be like this for us. Except for the "getting fucked in the ass" part, which we probably won't seem to enjoy nearly as much as these girls:
That oughta do it for this post.. I can't push the Herradura Anejo tequila through the modem, so it'll have to.
Hell, may as well elect ME. I wouldn't have much experience with foreign policy, but image the scene:
"President Bastard, thank you for seeing us"
"Please, Presidentforlife, call me Crazy"
"Come on, let's go vaporize some stuff with the petawatt laser and you can tell me about how you're going to destroy us, that oughta be fun. I'll have someone bring the good tequila, you like tequila, right?"