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Sarah Palin - Did she really give birth to Trig?

I had honestly not given a 2nd thought to this rumor before. It struck me as just worthless and pointless tabloid gossip. But after reading this article from (conservative) Andrew Sullivan and checking out the relevant pics and vids (one is from FoxNews even!), I gotta say it does seem pretty questionable:


She used Trig repeatedly as a political icon of her own "conservative" principles (she didn't abort a baby she knew would be retarded and she had special cred to fight for other parents of developmentally disabled kids), so it is relevant whether or not the baby is actually hers....
Ooooh, you're talking about a child....I was thinking "of course that idiot didn't invent trigonometry!"


Hiliary 2020
She didn't abort the baby she knew had downs.
Should she have?
I never heard her use the baby to promote anything.
but if you say so.
She didn't abort the baby she knew had downs.
Should she have?
I never heard her use the baby to promote anything.
but if you say so.

Then I guess, Meester, you never bothered to listen to her speeches? Were you too distracted by her beauty to pay attention to her? If you had paid attention, you might recall her saying "To all the parents with special needs children, you will have a fighter for you in the White House"....of course when asked about funding special needs healthcare..she kicked that can down the street..

The fact that she covered up the birth of Trig is the big indicator here. It's Bristol's child. That photo above looks pretty unadulterated to me. I read an interview with an airline flight attendent who worked a commercial flight Sarah Palin took 3 weeks before birth. The flight attendent said she remembers Palin and never had any indication she was pregnant. The Alaska local paper ran that story. You can google and find it.

Palin is a fraud in many ways. She's a failure as a parent, but for me, the bigger sham than this scandal (which she covered up and is basically a family issue) was her proclaiming she was proud to wear a $35 wedding band rather than a giant ring and never got caught up in excesses, only to then go on an orgasmic shopping spree once she was elevated to Veep Nominee and then her story about firing the Gov. Chef and selling off the plane, only to go on that Neiman Marcus shopping spree. THAT hypocrisy is hard to forget.:wtf::nono:
Her problems are not really of her own doing. If she was ugly, no one would give a fuck. And because she is attractive (very attractive for a politician) and feisty and Republican, conservatives keep endowing her with qualities she doesn't have. Unfortunately, I think she believes the hype.
Also, she is either not too bright or incredibly ignorant for a person with Presidential aspirations. But worse, she seems to think that she is very bright. And that is always dangerous; especially in people with/who crave power.

I dunno if the kid is hers. But if he isn't, then that is just ridiculous.
Palin is a fraud in many ways. She's a failure as a parent, but for me, the bigger sham than this scandal (which she covered up and is basically a family issue) was her proclaiming she was proud to wear a $35 wedding band rather than a giant ring and never got caught up in excesses, only to then go on an orgasmic shopping spree once she was elevated to Veep Nominee and then her story about firing the Gov. Chef and selling off the plane, only to go on that Neiman Marcus shopping spree. THAT hypocrisy is hard to forget.:wtf::nono:

Just to be clear, the RNC had it budgeted to spend that money on whoever the VP candidate was regardless of whether it was Sarah Palin or not.

Personally, I think the lady was given a bad rap from the get-go. If she's so freakin' stupid, then how come she is a well liked governor in her home state? She had an 86% approval rating among Independants and a 75% approval rating among DEMOCRATS in Alaska. Food for thought. Maybe she's not as bad as she was made out to be.

Plain and simple, the media wanted Obama elected so badly and the bias was very evident. If you didn't see that then you are as blind as the guy that said Palin didn't "use" Trig. Even I cringed at that statement she made. But hey, the Democratic Party used Obama, the Republican Party used Palin, and she used her son. Get used to it. Politics in the US is complete bullshit.

Neither here nor there though, she is a tough smart woman in a position of power and that intimidates the HELL out of a lot of people. Maybe now that the US has proved in has moved beyond race to determine capability maybe we can do the same with gender.
Would the RNC have spent $250k on Mitt Romney if he were the Veep choice? Why won't Palin give back the clothes, if they're the RNC's? SHe's fighting them to keep them. Were spray tanners and lingerie purchases part of the Veep process too? The same media that you claim wanted Obama so badly was in the bag for Palin. The media only turned on her when "her handlers" kept her out of media contact except for cozy Fox News appearances. When Palin finally mustered the courage to go on GASP CBS with Katie Couric, she confirmed everyone's assumption that she was, indeed, an unfit for office dumbass...

Will E Worm

I thought Palin adopted a child?

Chelsea Clinton's real father is...?

Vince Foster or Webster Hubbell :dunno:

I've heard people say it could be either one of them.

Do a search. ;)
Neither here nor there though, she is a tough smart woman...
Did you see the Katie Couric interview? She sounded like a 16 year old.
Additionally; she called Afghanistan 'our neighbouring country'.
she says New Hampshire is in the northwest
she got the First Amendment backwards
she even was wrong about what the V.P. can do
and those French Canadian disc jockeys made her sound like an idiot

Tough? Absolutely. I agree with you there.
Smart? Sorry man, not in my opinion.
She didn't abort the baby she knew had downs.
Should she have?
I never heard her use the baby to promote anything.
but if you say so.

Did you listen to a single one of her speeches? She said that she gave birth to a dow syndrome baby every single speech, and talked about how she could relate to mothers with special needs children.
Lots of "Conservative" talk shows and supposedly conservative people have been tearing her down and tearing her apart since the election. General belief is that the fact that she REALLY IS a Conservative and NOT a RINO like McCain, they can't afford to have her around in 4 or 8 years. The REPUBLICAN party is NOT the CONSERVATIVE party. They are becoming a "me Too" party.

They can not afford to have a true conservative, small government, stay out of everybody else's business candidate show up for the next election.
Did you see the Katie Couric interview? She sounded like a 16 year old.
Additionally; she called Afghanistan 'our neighbouring country'.
she says New Hampshire is in the northwest
she got the First Amendment backwards
she even was wrong about what the V.P. can do
and those French Canadian disc jockeys made her sound like an idiot

Tough? Absolutely. I agree with you there.
Smart? Sorry man, not in my opinion.

Obama said we had 57 states.

Biden said he also didn't know what the VP did.

Your point is?

Most of our politicians are idiots in one form or another. Magnify that with a well-pulled sound bite and I can make Albert Enstein look like a fucking idiot.

But they are smarter than the average bear. My question is, if you think she's so fucking stupid, then why are you guys moving to Alaska to run against her since you obviously think you are far more intelligent...I mean based on the intimate knowledge you guys have of her...from the media outlets that were extremely biased against her.

And as far as Katie Couric goes...her disdain for anything "Republican" or "Conservative" is so evident that she is far from a "fair" news anchor -- one reason why her ratings PLUMMETTED during the election. She would not have treated Obama, Clinton, Biden, or anyone running on the (D) ticket the same way. Of course she's just a puppet too...but you guys probably all think she's the smart one. Again, if she's so smart, the why isn't she running for office?

Then again, I'm not surprised that more and more people these days believe everything they see on the news or read on the internet.

Obi Wan Kenobi once said: "Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

If you guys really believe what you obviously do, then I have a long bridge that spans the Everglades I'd like to sell you. :thefinger :D
Obama said we had 57 states.

Biden said he also didn't know what the VP did.

Obviously Obama just mis spoke. And I have little problem with someone admitting ignorance, like Biden. It's when they claim to know something they don't that it gets scary.

Palin was casually talking to a grade 3 student when she described what a v.p. does. And she was wrong.
She also went on and on about the First Amendment and got that wrong on a fundamental point.
And if you want more examples I can provide them for you.
Forget the niceties, for a v.p. candidate, the woman was/is ignorant.

What proof do you have that she is 'smart' as you called her?

And your previous 'proof' that she is no idiot because she won in Alaska means nothing. Stupid politicians get elected all the time. And your statement that 'Most of our politicians are idiots...' proves you agree.
Obama said we had 57 states.

Biden said he also didn't know what the VP did.

Your point is?

Most of our politicians are idiots in one form or another. Magnify that with a well-pulled sound bite and I can make Albert Enstein look like a fucking idiot.

But they are smarter than the average bear. My question is, if you think she's so fucking stupid, then why are you guys moving to Alaska to run against her since you obviously think you are far more intelligent...I mean based on the intimate knowledge you guys have of her...from the media outlets that were extremely biased against her.

And as far as Katie Couric goes...her disdain for anything "Republican" or "Conservative" is so evident that she is far from a "fair" news anchor -- one reason why her ratings PLUMMETTED during the election. She would not have treated Obama, Clinton, Biden, or anyone running on the (D) ticket the same way. Of course she's just a puppet too...but you guys probably all think she's the smart one. Again, if she's so smart, the why isn't she running for office?

Then again, I'm not surprised that more and more people these days believe everything they see on the news or read on the internet.

Obi Wan Kenobi once said: "Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

If you guys really believe what you obviously do, then I have a long bridge that spans the Everglades I'd like to sell you. :thefinger :D

When Obama said 57 states he meant there were 57 places during the democratic nomination process that held primaries or caucases he would be going to.Saying states may have been a mis-speak but I don't think it was a big one,he knows how many states are in the union IMO.
And I don't beleive it was Biden who was said to have asked "what does the VP do on a day to day basis",it was Palin who was said to have asked that.
As to this assertion Couric is biased as a left winger I don't see it,in fact she has said many thing I haven't liked like when she said once "there are no atheists in foxholes" which is nonsense lol.I previously had posted part of the Palin interview Couric did from youtube.The format was Couric asked Palin and Biden seperatly "identical" questions,I don't know how more fair a format could be.I'm sure its still at youtube and here if you haven't seen it.Palin's answers and obvious lack of depth of knowledge on the questions asked was painfull to watch.Palin was not just the victim of any sort of one time "gaffe" that made her look bad but was shown to have very little real depth of knowledge repeatly when she appeared in the press.Thats why they eventually only allowed her to go on Fox news and with only two Fox people (Hannity and Van Sustern) allowed to interview her.I could overlook her lack of knowledge if she seemed to have a good grounding and general common sense about things but she doesn't.I do not want the worlds most powerfull country's future and my own run by a self described hockey mom with 5 kids maybe 4(as this story is about) who are having babies themselves at young ages who belongs to a whacko fundamentalist christian church.Back to your trailer in Alaska Sarah,at least for 4 years lol.If the republicans want to try to trot her out in 2012 that would be a great gift to the democrates,but I don't think that is in the cards at all.She was a disaster as a choice for running mate and I doubt they want to to try that one again.

Oh and speaking of bridges I can get you a real bargain on one up here in brooklyn with a look more historical value then anything in florida.:1orglaugh
And as far as Katie Couric goes...her disdain for anything "Republican" or "Conservative" is so evident that she is far from a "fair" news anchor -- one reason why her ratings PLUMMETTED during the election. She would not have treated Obama, Clinton, Biden, or anyone running on the (D) ticket the same way.

The questions Couric asked Palin were anything but purposely difficult.
And as Friday just pointed she asked Biden many of the same questions.