BIG WHO CARES? Why are you even wasting time on this lady, she's not even in contention for the presidency!
Well, yeah... she's not NOW. But se teased her supporters like a high school girl on prom night. Face, think of all the people who have given millions of dollars to Sarah over the past couple of years, just hoping & praying that she
would run. She swiped their cash and didn't even give them a rub & tug in return.
She may not know the first thing about American history. She may not know the first thing about economics. She may not know the first thing about the duties of the Vice President of the U.S. But just like a silly-coned stripper in a low rent titty bar, she (clearly) knows what moves to make so that the rubes and hayseeds will start stuffing her garters with cash. :nanner:
IMO, her
best move was asking for even MORE money a few weeks ago. Apparently, with more donations, she'd be able to decide whether or not she wanted to be a "physical" conservative
(is she not the female version of Jethro or what? :rofl2 Presidentress. Personally, I think that's pretty slick. The last time I saw a slick move work that well was when Oral Roberts did it:
"Send me money now... or the Lord is going to call me home!" Course, Sarah was asking for money from probably the exact same kind of people who sent their SSI and Social Security checks to my man Oral. And I don't blame her. I mean, heck, if they weren't meant to be sheared, the good Lord wouldn't have made them sheep. Amiright?