Sarah Blake

Yes, you are right, she did have a boob job, and it does look like crap. And we are left to wonder what could possibly compel her to such a thing to herself.
I guiess we should be getting used to this by now. Seems like every adult performer with a perfect body is eventually broken down and subjected to ridiculous silicone implants. Who's next, Justine Joli? Or Jenna Haze? It will happen, you know.

Oh well, at least Sarah Blake had a good run with some incredible work before some surgeon ruined her boobs. Her ALS and FTV videos are among the hottest work in the business. :rubbel:
She's back doing proper movies, so to speak :D

Lesbian scenes in Road Queen 16, out now, and soon to be released, Road Queen 17.
Well, I see I'm far from the first to mention her boob job, seeing as it's 2 years, or so, since it was 'news'. I don't know. Maybe she had them removed since then?
Anyway, she's so beautiful either way.