Hello Miss Sandee, I wanted to say your videos are incredible. I love blondes the most. I think your utterly gorgeous and I love your body so much. I love how you suck dick. Honestly, if you had a education degree you could teach a class at the local junior college in "Oral Sex Techniques' and "Advanced Oral Sex for the Exceptional Learner". Have you consider doing a "Fan Fantasy Blowjob"?
Sandee, what gallery is the top photo from on your members page. you grabbing a dick and you have black lace around your neck and wrists? has it been released yet?


Official Checked Star Member
No, not yet. It will be posted within the next month :)
Sandee, what gallery is the top photo from on your members page. you grabbing a dick and you have black lace around your neck and wrists? has it been released yet?

- - - Updated - - -

Glad you like watching me perform :)
Miss Sandee you suck dick like a slut and I love it! You give the best head I've ever seen. I love you so much! It just looks so natural for you.

Miss Sandee, it's basically as if you make love to a man's penis with your mouth. Like your making out with it specifically. I love when you gently begin licking the shaft and kissing the penis's tip. That's way hot! Your oral scenes are the best. I know you only work with your current boyfriend and stuff. It'd be interesting to see you work with a "chocolate flavored" lollipop.
Miss Sandee, it's basically as if you make love to a man's penis with your mouth. Like your making out with it specifically. I love when you gently begin licking the shaft and kissing the penis's tip. That's way hot! Your oral scenes are the best. I know you only work with your current boyfriend and stuff. It'd be interesting to see you work with a "chocolate flavored" lollipop.

yeah, get a big black dude with a huge, giant, monster, anaconda, tree branch, rock launching, penis! its time for you to get it on with a brother. once you go black you never go back! take the giant did sandee! do it!