Thats hot Sandee,Keep up the good work.
Has anyone seen the new stuff with her and crissy m. ?
Re: Sandee Westgate - latest DVD shoot

Heh. Mistress Sandee in action again, very sexy - lots of assets there. I like the latex stuff, too.

Thank you, Sandee, for making this thread very special.
"Have a good day guys",Mistress Sandee demands it of you.
Looking as good as ever Sandee,thanks for the pic.

Sandee is that a pic from the dvd which features Crissy M ?.
looking good Miss Sandee
Beautiful look for sure!!!!

Btw, I saw a pic of Sandee(in Freeones garb) and Jessie(in Danni tee) "somewhere".
Is this something we can expect in the future? They both look great(esp. Sandee)

Just wondering...
Re: Sandee Westgate - last DVD shoot

Nice, Sandee. You make lingerie look good. :)

I was hoping to see more of Mistress Sandee. ;)