Re: Sounds like someone else needs a "business perspective" ...

Sounds like someone else needs a "business perspective," namely an introduction to the commodities market. ;)

Please don't introduce politics into this type of thread, using an example that is not only well outside the context of someone's point, not only clearly something you're bitter about, but you basically just summarized in a way that shows you have no comprehension on why things are the way they are.

Just a suggestion (and I fully await countless complaints about myself for pointing this out).

come on dude...why you starting shit? this doesn't have anything to do with you. I am a paying customer and asked a legitimate question. Sandee handled it like a pro. I didn't get the answer I wanted and I'm still not bitter. I applaud her for having a belief and taking a stand. you trying to take up for her and attack me does no one any good and makes you look like an ass. also...religion was never brought up in any context. now go read some more books and try to sound smart to get laid. let me know how that works out for ya:D