Thanks guys! I got an awefull case of food poisoning last night. Eeeeh! I've been laying around today trying to feel better. :(

Hello Sandee,....

I hope you feel better soon babe! I know there's not much you can do about that,...basically you have to let it go through your system. I always hate hearing when you sick. Wish I could do something to make you feel better!



Official Checked Star Member
Thanks guys! I'm better now. just dealing with a little cold. :(

xoox, Sandee


Official Checked Star Member
Hey guys! I shot the other day with Alektra Blue, and I felt so bad for her, she had been sick with food posioning. Make a long story short.. I got it too! We came to realize there's like a 24 hour flu going around.. and it's a BAD one. I threw up more than I ever have in my life in the period of 12 hours. Eeek! Just be careful if anyone around you is not feeling good.
Hope your feeling better Sandee!! Ya got watch out for them Sushi Bar's!!!:jester: My cousins two little ones came home from school earlier this week with it, they was miserable!! :cry: Hope ya get back up to par in a hurry!!! Take Care & Be Good!! Give Chanel A Hug!!! :wave2:
Thank God you are better, Sandee. I have seen what that bug can do, and it's nasty. I'm talking about a rush to the hospital and several bags of IV fluid for rehydration. Take it easy for awhile. OK? xOOx

On a happier note, the Twistys previews for October are terrific. No trick or treat there, those galleries are 100% treat. (Thanks to Slave_XIII for the heads up.) Play the numbers game to see all the preview galleries - like this: up to 0005.

Sandee, you rock! It's hard to pick a favorite gallery, because they're all so good. :D
Thanks guys! I'm better now. just dealing with a little cold. :(

xoox, Sandee


Happy Sunday! Did you get my review on the "Frenzy" gallery via email cus I had some questions for ya. Didn't here back from you I know you weren't feeling well. Hope your better now.



Retired Moderator
Hello, Sandee!

Glad to meet you, I hope you've been having a nice Sunday and are feeling better. May you have a great week, sweetie! :hatsoff:
Nice shot's at Twisty's Sandee!! :yummie: And Congratulations for being "October Treat Of The Month", :thumbsup: definitely well deserved. I really liked the Lilac set, Hot, might have to change my Sig!!!! Hope you got my PM, and hurry up and get to feeling better Girl, your making us all Sad!! :weeping: