
Official Checked Star Member
phoenix7 said:
Love Sandee. What a great model and a great site.
Thank you!
xoxo, Sandee
Dear Sandee,

You're a go getter, you work your business to make it successful and then to keep it successful, you come here and make new fans everyday and you treat them like people, not a bunch of horn dogs ( yeah I know which board this is). I have a lot of respect for you Mademoiselle and I always wish you the best and more success to you. Work it girl, keep it up :thumbsup:


Montrealman :hatsoff:

PS: sorry to be corny and a kiss ass but what better ass to kiss ?


<center><IMG SRC=><center><font color=aa0000><H3><b>Yeah She’s Definitely a Looker!<b><H3></font></center>
sandee2004, holy crap are you the real deal? damm ure my new pin up!!! hehe


Slaughter said:
sandee2004, holy crap are you the real deal? damm ure my new pin up!!! hehe

She is the real deal, as are all of the star members with "Official Star Checked Member" under their names. (Sandee Westgate, Sandra Shine, Erica Campbell, Brittany Andrews, Tabitha Stern.... all post regularly, and there are more) :thumbsup:
Hey Sexy Sandee,....

There's no woman more real that you baby! Did you get your gift? Let me know what's up. I'd love to hear if you like it or hate it? Please email me.
