Same-Sex Marriage, Where Do You Stand?

Same-Sex Marriage

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You don't need a church, you could just go to city hall and get married. Most people however opt for a traditional church wedding.

Because the Catholic church does not recognize a civil wedding. You are not married according to the Catholic church if you decide to marry at City Hall. So gays feel that they're not really married if they marry civilly. So they want to marry at the church and I think they should be entitled to.
Imagine if that church was banning its members from marrying because one of them was black. I know there are cases where people will try to pick a fight, but if this couple was a member of the church, I think it is wrong for the church to discriminate.

But by being a member of that church you adopt the same beliefs as that church. So if one of their beliefs is that homosexuality is immoral, then it wouldn't be very logical to join and adopt the beliefs of that church. Its one of the main problems with organized religion.

Furthermore I'm of the position that gays marrying is none of my damn business. Just like it isn't my business if straights want to marry or if Bill down the street wants to go back to school and become a lawyer. Who am I to stop them?


Is somewhere outhere.
My personal view is that i'm all against it,but it's none of my business what
the gay folks get up to.As long as they don't interfere with me,then they can
do whatever the fuck they like :)


Official Checked Star Member
But by being a member of that church you adopt the same beliefs as that church. So if one of their beliefs is that homosexuality is immoral, then it wouldn't be very logical to join and adopt the beliefs of that church. Its one of the main problems with organized religion.

Yes to a lot of religions homosexuality is a sin, but as humans, NONE of us are without sin. There are probably hundreds of ways to sin, and we all partake in sin. And since the Bible states that no sin is greater than the next...that they're all equal...then in reality, none of us should join the church and adopt a belief system that states that what we do is wrong. A church should have no right judging anyone in its congregation for what they do inside the privacy of their own home.

I tend to follow a more Christian faith (I believe in Jesus) and the bible says that my industry is wrong and immoral...doesn't change my beliefs and doesn't make me want to change my life though. Everyone sins, everyone does things that God would see as wrong...we're never going to change that or attain perfection in the eyes of God so...yeah. Just do the best you can while you're walking this earth and live your life to its fullest.
I honestly don't care what they do. Just don't call it a marriage. That one is reserved already, defined between a man and a woman.

Call it a Union, call it anything except a Marriage, ok?
But by being a member of that church you adopt the same beliefs as that church. So if one of their beliefs is that homosexuality is immoral, then it wouldn't be very logical to join and adopt the beliefs of that church. Its one of the main problems with organized religion.

Many gay and lesbians are Christians, or belong to other faiths. Given, you wouldn't expect one to join a church that teaches against homosexuality, but in many cases it is not discussed in church until a case like this where you want to marry, or there are no open-minded churches in the area. I just hate that someone can deny freedom to someone else based on how they were born, and that we accept this as a society.

I don't know if it should be illegal for a church to fire someone for being gay, or prevent a couple from marrying in their church because they are an interracial couple, but I would hope the community would be in such an outrage against such activity that the church would go out of business. But sadly, society does not agree with me.
Im for happiness for anyone who deserves it. Heterosexuals have destroyed marriage as it is, whos to day say gays wont be good about it. I hate the arguements on religous grounds, If those folks really wanted to maintain the sanctity of marriage, they would outlaw divorce, abuse and all the stuff that makes their arguments obsolete. There are alot of couples nowadays who arent even thinking about getting married at any point in time. I dont care, gays should be allowed to marry, and the tide is turning on the radicals who have long fought to keep it outlawed, peoples opinions are slowly but surely turning against them.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Imagine if that church was banning its members from marrying because one of them was black. I know there are cases where people will try to pick a fight, but if this couple was a member of the church, I think it is wrong for the church to discriminate.

They weren't, if I remember correctly. They were just a couple who really wanted to get married in a church because it is the "normal" place for it and there should be no reason for them to be rejected. At least according to them.

Pzople should be albe to marry any HUMAN they want as long as they aren't already married and they don't marry someone from their family

Pzople should be albe to marry any HUMAN they want as long as they aren't already married and they don't marry someone from their family

Tell that to Adam...he married (and more!) his own daughter, Eve! :surprise:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
What next, cats and dogs living together?
This is, I'm sorry to say, a thin-veiled, apologist's cover of bigotry. Plain and simple. 'Women, why would you want the right to vote? I mean, all the candidates are the same and they suck anyway!' :facepalm:

Unpopular? How about ethically and morally wrong?


I'd certainly appreciate taking my full post into context before you judge it. Apologist... yeah, right. Try giving me a valid argument to make your point or support your stance.

...and who are you to talk about morals and ethics? You didn't make the rules on either nor are you the rep for either, so unless you're speaking of your own set of both, save it for somebody else.


I'm watching some specialist videos
It is a difficult question.

The man is usually on the right hand side when marrying, so should they both stand on the right for an all male marriage and both on the left for an all female marriage, or do they have to spin a coin to choose?

A conundrum indeed!
Why shouldn't gay people have the right to hate life and be unhappy like the rest of us? Let them marry