Right or wrong, if the people of a state want to ban it or legalize it, they should have the right to do so.
I actually disagree with this, as much as I disagree that state should have the right to fundamentally discriminate against a demographic of people (with the exception of, say, the criminal demographic, who we obviously discriminate against and take away all sorts of rights by throwing them in jail). To oppose gay marriage is ethically the same as supporting a movement to go back to outlawing interracial marriage. Or to say women aren't allowed tax-write offs. Or any other state/fed-controlled system that should be for
every citizen - or none.
That's as far as I'd agree with you; I'd be satisfied from a constitutional point of a view if a state outlawed marriage, period. Or otherwise allowed every consenting adult to take part, with any other consenting adult they choose.
This is such a multi-faceted issue, because a lot of what's important about this lies in certain legal rights marrieage provides. On that aspect, I'm for it. There are just certain rights provided to straight relationships that should be available to gay ones also. Otherwise, I don't know why gays would want to marry.
Marriage just puts gay people in places that don't make sense to be in. It's like me pushing to be a Klansman... for what? Even if I shared their credo, it just isn't worth the struggle being places that I'm not wanted. Not only this, but the ability to not be tied down by the bods of marriage sounds like a sweet deal anyway! As rampant as divorce is, ability to go your separate way without lawyer involvement being a necessity sounds ideal. Weddings are expensive... they involve churches (which is not the place to be for this lifestyle)... again why go there?
This is, I'm sorry to say, a thin-veiled, apologist's cover of bigotry. Plain and simple. 'Women, why would you want the right to vote? I mean, all the candidates are the same and they suck anyway!'
Was against and will aways be. Boothbabe made a thread about this subject a while ago and my answer was no as well.Marriage it is a union between a man and a woman, end of story.
I can't wait for the day when people like yourself are banished to the history books like everyone else who fought against equal rights for people who deserve them no less than those who had them already. I wonder if you realize that's where you're headed; a relic of the dark ages of humanity, plagued with religious conservatism and bigotry to those who are 'different', consigned to footnotes in a history book that students will shudder at in the future, just as we shudder at the terrible crimes committed against, say, black people in the US as recent as just a few decades ago.
Props to you for standing up for your own values, even when their deemed to be unpopular by society standards.
Unpopular? How about ethically and morally
Being one of your older folks here I can tell you this, It used to be MUCH worse. 30-40 years ago gays locked themselves in the closet shitting in their boots fearing that someone would find them. over the passage of time the bravest came out and others followed. Gradually more people begin to remember that we are all God's children and He loves us all. Traditions don't last forever. They die out in time. The fact that this has become an open debate is a step in the right direction toward general acceptance. You'll see.
I'm greatly heartened that some parts of the world have already moved well past this debate; I was deeply ashamed, to be honest, of my home country when I was passing through the Museum of Amsterdam and they had an exhibit featuring the two tuxedos of the first gay-married couple - in
April 2001. I realize the move to social equality takes time - it always has, for every movement. Yet the 'land of the free' is lagging so far behind.