Sadistic/Revengeful Women In Movies

It's from the television show 'Supernatural', but that's alright!

Alona Tal in 'Supernatural' in the episode 'No Exit'.

"Scream all you want, you dick, but there's no way you're stepping over that salt!"
Being a huge fan of Supernatural, I am always happy to see the lovely Alona. Great episode. Nice choice, Nasophilia.
There is something extremely hot to me in evil and egoist women. In fact, the only reason why I endured watching series Spartacus for few episodes is because of a woman named Ilitia in the series. What a wonderful spoiled and evil bitch she was!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
*gets on a mini rant about sadistic chicks*
Brie Larson as evil bitch in Scott Pilgrim Vs = oh hell yeah.
Brie Larson after hearing her real life rants about .. ahem, her beliefs, and then watching captain marvel = No thx.

Aubrey Plaza being sarcastic, super sexy girl in... everything = I CANT STOP CUMMING WHERE IS IT EVEN COMING FROM?! I THINK I AM DEHYDRATED HELP ME PLZZZZ
Aubrey Plaza IRL = *silent, or awkward in interviews* = Mmm, perfect.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But why shoot yourself in the foot and alienate your audience?
(Dixie chicks, I agree with you about Bush, but if you never said anything you would still be touring with the nascar crowd!)


Light one for Me
Kathy Bates in Misery - not good/hot but an evil twisted psycho
Sarah Butler in the remake of 'I Spit On Your Grave'

Look how hot she is.
