Sabrina Blond / Angela / Angela Devil / Baby Jane / Jalila / Jana / Janika / Janine Rose / Karina / Lucie / Sabrina Nastee / Sabrinka


Is somewhere outhere.
c'mon tartan terrier she's a wee CRACKER !!
she certainly doesnt need a fucked up boob job matey ,dont be a fuck-wit:mad: and put ideas into her head man, theres more than enough horrible breat implants out there , its nice to see natural bodies like hers and if you guys like her check out MEET MADDEN she's even better :)


Such as? I hope you're not suggesting she stuff plastic bags in her chest. Because those never look ripply and gross and unnecessarily scar a girl that was pretty to begin with.

I guess its a matter of opinion and you are entitled to your views,but
I still think she needs to get pimped :boobies: :thefinger