Ya know, just to be fair, I find it funny how everyone in Washington started getting their panties in a bunch beginning when there were rumors that it might happen today.....and then when it did come down, and became reality, they lashed out at S&P and said that they didn't matter, they were dirty because they had a role in the financial melt down, their numbers are wrong, yadda yadda yadda. Typical behavior for the pentulant little kids that make up Washington today. Instead of doing anything to get their own act together, they pout and lash out. In my opinion, we brought this on ourselves, and if S&P REALLY doesn't matter......why all of the hostility towards them? It's because their opinion does count for something.....and it does matter to "the powers that be".
Instead of using this as the wake up call that Washington needs (ummmmm, like doing something to raise revenues......like cutting corporate loopholes, raising taxes on the super rich......I mean, what did we not learn from Reaganomics/the theory of trickle down economics, that didn't prove that it DOES NOT WORK!?!?!?), I guess they are just going to brood and continue down the road of "business as usual" with an ineffectual leader in the White House, political terrorists controlling the House, and sadly even clowns in the Senate. All I see is a bunch of ineffectual douchebags running everything into the ground anymore, and tons of idiots amongst their constituents eating their shit up on an individual level........the truly ignorant amongst us (the people) are the problem, because they feed the negativity! If the people weren't so damn dumb, and were actually and truly educated, half of this shit wouldn't be a problem. Obama is too busy trying to get everyone to like him, and the GOP has been hijacked by a strong, but relatively small, lunatic fringe.......yep, that seems like a recipe for success to me.
And people are surprised, and wonder why this happened again why?