Russia to drill for oil off of the Florida Coast

Great!!! Now, Chavez + Putin + Castro begin to rule Caribbean oil zone while U.S.A. try to control Mid East oil zone. This will hurt U.S.A. more. U.S.A. really needs the oil coming from shorter distance zones. Mid East oil zone is dead ass, Northern Iraq Kurds get being assholes when trading. Forget Nabucco's efficiency too.

Starting from this fall, world economy is going to dive into another wave of crisis. Good luck U.S.A., you must bring your industry in China and Eastern Europe back to homeland. First get localised your economy to restructure and then get globalised with new and more efficient U.S.A.! ;)
Great!!! Now, Chavez + Putin + Castro begin to rule Caribbean oil zone while U.S.A. try to control Mid East oil zone. This will hurt U.S.A. more. U.S.A. really needs the oil coming from shorter distance zones. Mid East oil zone is dead ass, Northern Iraq Kurds get being assholes when trading. Forget Nabucco's efficiency too.

Starting from this fall, world economy is going to dive into another wave of crisis. Good luck U.S.A., you must bring your industry in China and Eastern Europe back to homeland. First get localised your economy to restructure and then get globalised with new and more efficient U.S.A.! ;)

The majority of oil the US consumes comes from North America. OCS drilling for US companies is a two part situation. Firstly, banning new leases for drilling is ALSO relied upon to prevent foreign entities from simply using US companies as a front to drill for their interests and...whether or not US companies can explore for themselves is about logistics too. In the overwhelming majority of cases, even if these companies were permitted...not only aren't they using to capacity the rigs they already have rigs are hard to come by...

Assuming that Congress does what it should do, and finally lifts the ban on offshore drilling along US Coasts, one would think that we would be set to drill away. However, there is a serious hump that we have to overcome in order to be able to explore the deep-water regions of the Outer Continental Shelf. We simply do not have enough offshore platforms, drill-ships and rigs to do the job.
I still say this is why people in Florida are so worried about off shore drilling and think that they can maybe convince the cubans to not allow the drilling as the story says since their economy is centered around tourism as well.

Now the rest of the country may not care ,though they should cause an sconomic disaster in florida would end up costing all of us.

One good oil spill and the gold coast will be the oil coast.
One good oil spill and the gold coast will be the oil coast.

With current Russian oil technology, this disaster has more than 25% occuring. This is huge. Russia lacks underwater oil jobs. A possible Chernobyl in oil stuff.

Russian oil regions and none of them are aqua-zone.

American companies operating in Gulf of Mexico are absolutely more experienced. If i was a Russian executive, i would love to ask for assistance from them.
Just a reminder, Medveydev is the president of Russia now, not Putin. It's been the case for a while. Putin is still around but he's Prime Minister, not Head of State. Russia supplies Europe with fuel but it happens to be gas for the main part. Oil comes from the Middle East and the North Sea.

Secondly, I think there's a 'Bay of Rigs' joke there that at least two of you came close to making.

Oil demand is not purely related to petrol/gasoline consumption, as someone hinted at. Crude oil is used in more ways than most people seem to realise. Plastics are the main product from drilled oil.

Medveydev seems like the better man to be dealing with, so far as Obama should be concerned. However, Putin has been said to be the one pulling the strings as he left office purely because he had already done two terms. They say he will be back in office next time round. I hope not as he is not an intellectual and unfortunately can be categorised more as a thug and gangster.

Anyhow, concentration should be more on Cuba. Raoul is the President now and I believe he is looked on more favourably by world leaders than his older brother.

Oil demand is not purely related to petrol/gasoline consumption, as someone hinted at. Crude oil is used in more ways than most people seem to realise. Plastics are the main product from drilled oil.

The US is by far the largest consumer of crude oil in the world. Just in case some want to know...we consume (by way of purchase) approximately 20 million bbls of crude per day. We produce just over half of what we consume and export about 1 million bbls of crude to Japan.

The next nearest consumer of crude consumes about half of what we consume.

Putting the "drill baby drill" concept into context...Iraq for example, at it's height of production (pre invasion) produced 3.5 million bbls per day. They currently produce about 2 million bbls per day. Our best efforts would be able to generate a new 2 billion bbls per day in about 15 or 20 years.

Point being, if we continue on a consumption curve..meaning more exploration naturally leads to behaviorally more prices will ultimately be higher as a result not lower as suggested.

A consumption curve will always out-pace any production model conceivable.

When I say consumption curve, I'm not just talking about US consumption...We can't afford for China (more than India) to approach current US consumption levels.