Great!!! Now, Chavez + Putin + Castro begin to rule Caribbean oil zone while U.S.A. try to control Mid East oil zone. This will hurt U.S.A. more. U.S.A. really needs the oil coming from shorter distance zones. Mid East oil zone is dead ass, Northern Iraq Kurds get being assholes when trading. Forget Nabucco's efficiency too.
Starting from this fall, world economy is going to dive into another wave of crisis. Good luck U.S.A., you must bring your industry in China and Eastern Europe back to homeland. First get localised your economy to restructure and then get globalised with new and more efficient U.S.A.!
Starting from this fall, world economy is going to dive into another wave of crisis. Good luck U.S.A., you must bring your industry in China and Eastern Europe back to homeland. First get localised your economy to restructure and then get globalised with new and more efficient U.S.A.!