Rush Limbaugh - "Entertainer" or Actual Leader of the Republican Party ???

Get used to it, there will be more criticism to come.

Of course there will be. And some of it will undoubtedly be legitimate. Unfortunately a lot of that will get lost amid the relentless non-constructive death throe whining of the neocon/born again segments of the Republican party who've refused to take responsibility for how catastrophic their leadership has been while at the same time destroying their credibility.


Hiliary 2020
I mean from all sides, not just republicans.
When working people start seeing their paychecks shrinking even more, the value of the dollar decrease even more, unemployment rising even more, inflation rising even more, due to obamas stupid plan to spend enormous amounts and redistribute money in order to make the ecenomy better, you will see some criticism from all over the board.
The media can only protect him so much.
The economy will be Obamas Iraq.

Like some of these guys said, you want to see an economic stimulus?
Try giving working people a 1.2 trillion dollar tax break, that will get you some stimulus.
But no, take more from them and give it to non working people in the disguise of " tax credits" instead.
That should help alot.

I guess my problem is is that I hate seeing peoples money robbed, then simply wasted.
Comedian in the tradition of Andrew Dice Clay.

Basically appeals to the worst, most narrowminded, nihilistic side of people.
Whats up, you guys can't take it?
We got a new PREZ that just announced the biggest spending bill in the history of the world plus the biggest budget ever and if someone points out the danger you get upset.
Don't question our savior, or we'll call you bad awful viscious things.
Can't you see he is using the recession as an excuse to start his plan of taking from the productive and give to the non productive?
To tax the hell out of the working until almost all are dependant on the GOV?
And to spend like mad on things he and his wife feel are important like planned parenthood and ACORN?
some of you guys need to grow some balls.
for years I heard everyone from ignorant celebrities to biased news people to democratic politicians trying to regain their power bashing anything and everything republican.
Now someone finally meticulously critics Obama and its all boo fuckin hoo.
Get used to it, there will be more criticism to come.
I know, 8 years of bashing President Bush, and now it's well he's under 50 days in office give him a break... or something to the effects of below, posted by bodie , "Of course there will be. And some of it will undoubtedly be legitimate. Unfortunately a lot of that will get lost amid the relentless non-constructive death throe whining of the neocon/born again segments of the Republican party who've refused to take responsibility for how catastrophic their leadership has been while at the same time destroying their credibility."

I love how he put it, and yes I can see how some positive shit can spin from criticism. Let me CLEARLY STATE THIS, I am not a ditto head... I don't even listen to rush, so I have not even a clue to his mannerisms. If he is a Neo-McCarthy, then he's about as wrong as two boys fucking without a catholic priest video taping it. :helpme: But that's in another thread.

For the party I vote for 75% of the time....
Do we have leadership issues?... Check
Does no one want to take the reins of this ship and be cast to exile island?... Check
Do we have idiots in our party too?... Check,
--and for you high and Mighty Democrats.... how's the Chicago Democratic Network going? (Meaning did they finally get a legit Governor, or yet again another ass-clown selling positions)

So in reality, who's saying the Republicans are truly fucked and should pack up and reform the party again?

What does the "bash bush network" do during those remaining 9 days a year?

Campaigned for Hillary Clinton.... :dunno:

Oh wait i got it... Voted for Ralph Nader :thumbsup:
A figurehead who talks and talks and convinces and brainwashes...

Sounds a little bit like Obama to me. Or any president for that matter.

Rush is an entertainer; he's on the air to push buttons which he does incredibly well. While some people agree with his points of view regardless of their own moral fibers, some of us who listen to him do so because he's an amusing way to destroy 3 hours of our day. He is not the leader of the republican party - I look to Ron Paul, an actual learned politician, for that.
356/365 .....oops. It is funny though how some are critical of Limbaugh, then put up an example of their own talking head (Jon Stewart), and say "this guy really says it how I feel". Un-original dittoheads in their own right, completely ignorant to the fact that they feel that way because they were told to.
356/365 .....oops. It is funny though how some are critical of Limbaugh, then put up an example of their own talking head (Jon Stewart), and say "this guy really says it how I feel". Un-original dittoheads in their own right, completely ignorant to the fact that they feel that way because they were told to.

Are you kidding?! "Comedy Central" is where I get all of my educated and fresh political analysis. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart really tell it like it is, especially when I'm stoned and just focus on their mouths moving, the pictures in the corner of the screen and the punchlines.
Are you kidding?! "Comedy Central" is where I get all of my educated and fresh political analysis. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart really tell it like it is, especially when I'm stoned and just focus on their mouths moving, the pictures in the corner of the screen and the punchlines.

Whats really funny is all their stuff is directly inline with the democrats talking points
What is with all the conservative bashing? Shouldn't you Democrats.. or is that Progressives... oh wait, I meant Liberals(pick a name already), be celebrating with cheese and wine that you control the government?

Get over it and try to make the United States better, or shut up and move on.

Do you really have to kick the elephant?

Now for the truth, both parties are crap. Both parties are only interested in the decimation of your freedoms and taking away any money you think you have.

What all of you are doing is kindergarten bickering.


Pretty much sums up my thoughts.....:thumbsup:

I hope he ends up leading the republican party. That's one way to make sure they never gain power again. He is a divisive asshole who thinks allegiance to a political philosophy is more important than the welfare of the country. They don't call his followers "dittoheads" for nothing....those who blindly follow this charlatan are incapable of thinking for themselves. A scary phenomenon that has gone on way too long.

Perfect description of all the O-Zombies...just change the names to expose the guilty.


Sounds a little bit like Obama to me. Or any president for that matter.

Rush is an entertainer; he's on the air to push buttons which he does incredibly well. While some people agree with his points of view regardless of their own moral fibers, some of us who listen to him do so because he's an amusing way to destroy 3 hours of our day. He is not the leader of the republican party - I look to Ron Paul, an actual learned politician, for that.

Gotta got it in one post.
rush limbaugh is the biggest asshole ever