RUBY KNOX is back!
Hi everybody, it's Ruby Knox. Sorry I've been out of the loop, but I've been working on something very big for you. I'm finished and ready to unveil myself to all of you with my very own, official NEW website.
Now we can chat, talk, play, giggle, frolic and be merry together LIVE! No more unrealistic, pre directed, pre recorded movies, now you can have me the way you want me, live, personal, and 1 on 1. Now you can get to know the REAL me and not a DVD.
I'm usually on between 6pm - 2am PST, and if I'm not on, you can browse my galleries, movie galleries, HD photos, diaries, chat boards, discussion boards or call me. (No joke, you can actually call me). Or, you can talk to any one of my 1000s of girlfriends online at anytime! They are all hot and willing. =-)
I also have a bunch of new movies coming out, so keep an eye out for those.
Looking forward to hearing from you and hearing what you think of my new website
XXXs & Ohhhhhs,
Ruby Knox