Rough sex halloween costume

I found these videos with this hot woman in a Halloween costume getting fucked hard by some lucky douche.

Edit: Do not try to work around the word filter. Please post a screenshot for ID.

I am wondering if anyone knows anything about that scene. Is this really an amateur scene? Who is she? Are there more vids with this hot little slut in them? Please help!! Thanks.
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Nobody? If it piques anyone's interest, it isn't like she is wearing a horse costume or anything. Its not like I'm looking for people fucking wearing teddy bear costumes lol. She is wearing a sexy costume.
No one can see what you posted, most likely because you tried to link to a tube site or something similar (which is against the rules). If you want help try posting a SS.
57 posts in 6 years. Yeah. It's the forum that's getting old.

How fucking dare you suggest being logical. Honestly. I bet even your mum doesn't love you. Follow rules? On the interwebz?

Fuck i love sarcasm. And you have done it very, very well :)