It would be really nice if you'd actually bother to research the facts before opening your mouth. Maybe search for 'car crash' and 'reconstruction'. That might shed some light for you.
Here's a hint
It would be really nice if you'd actually not assume I
haven't researched the facts.
The fact is, there's no official record of her being in a car crash. The link you provide is simply a piece of an interview she did for the NY Post in which she mentions it as the reason for her face looking different now. There was never any reports in the media of her being in a car crash.
Think about it, in this day and age of 24/7 tabloid media, it's unfathomable that an actress such as her could be in a major accident, one that requires reconstructive surgery, and it's not picked up by the media. Granted, she's not the biggest star in the world but she's been a staple of men's magazines for years so she's popular enough to warrant a piece on at least TMZ should she have been in a major accident.
The fact that no one had ever heard about it until she brought it up after people had started commenting on how different she looks is the reason most people take it for granted that it's just an excuse for bad plastic surgery.
Find me a police report and I'll re-think my stance. Until then, I ain't buying the car crash story.