Ron Jeremy is the man

Haha lemmy from motorhead is in the video badass

I think that he is fucking disgusting.. Anyone who can get off with that man in the scene needs serious help.. He proves the old Stereotype true that they used to use(and still do sometimes) hideous looking men in scnces to make men watching feel like they could actually get the girl which is pathetic


Closed Account
I also never understood his appeal. He look's like a disgusting fat fuck to me, and I also hope, with all due respect, that everyone knows what the women in the industry only shoot scenes with him cause they get assigned to work with him, and the females are over overpaid, right? For the most part, if he wasn't a b-movie and cult celeb around the world, he wouldn't be getting laid on a regular basis. The poor bastard look's like a troll to me, but alas, to each they're own. *shrugs*


Closed Account
The appeal might just come from that third leg in his trousers. I'm just saying...

Um, actually my friend, over the years, cause I'm a scene watcher, and the BangBus episode in which he did a few years back with a nice flat chested gal, he had to hold the base of his shaft just to keep it erect. And it has actually shrunk a bit cause of his massive weight. Look at his member in his trouser's now: for some reason, his cock simply isn't that big. There's many in the industry, like Mandino, that easily puts him to shame. He's also gettin' up on in there and even more disgusitng, in porn star years.

I'm just sayin' ...
Has anybody seen Ron Jeremy cameo's in movies or being a guest on any tv shows? He thinks he's the funniest guy alive.

He isn't.
I remember listening to him WLS-AM's Roe Conn show. He was pretty cool on that. I think part of the appeal of Ron Jeremy is that is the everyman. A lot guys are fat hairy and ugly, but we would love to see ourselves with the beautiful woman.
Has anybody seen Ron Jeremy cameo's in movies or being a guest on any tv shows? He thinks he's the funniest guy alive.

He isn't.

I remember seeing him and Rob Van Wynkle aka Vannila Ice appearing on some VH1 reality show.
Vannila Ice snapped and wanted to kick his fat ass!:rofl:


I think that he is fucking disgusting.. Anyone who can get off with that man in the scene needs serious help.. He proves the old Stereotype true that they used to use(and still do sometimes) hideous looking men in scnces to make men watching feel like they could actually get the girl which is pathetic

Actually I read somewhere I think it was more due to alot of men at the time where using viagra and the chicks where basically fed up with guys who werent turned on naturally.(May not be true, Does anyone know what stuff written by porn is or isnt? They need some regulating body to stamp "canon" lol) Also he does make a change from the usual muscle bound blokes and hes supposedly very well endowed. As to why I think he is ok is from what interviews and shit I have seen hes seems pretty down to earth for a guy who probably has fucked so many women he has lost count, Of course that could be his carefully refined image.
That video is corny, but he's famous because he's recognizable, not because he's attractive or funny. I've heard interviews with him and saw him on Surreal Life, he seems like a decent guy, so I like him.