Funny how all during Bush's presidency, the libtards were constantly demanding that Bush bring the troops home. But, when Obongo got elected, the libtards were pretty much silent about the troops still being over there. Then, Bin Laden gets killed, and all the libtards are patting the man-child on the back and making it sound like Obongo himself pulled the trigger.
Again..... for eight years, liberals said stop the war. Harry Reid even said no to further funding the war because "this war cannot be won". Now, Clintoon is out there saying the American people elect presidents to make the tough calls.
Hey Bubba... put the fucking bottle down. You were elected to make the tough calls that only presidents can make... and you bombed an aspirin factory... and then blew your load on Monica's dress. STFU already, you fucking clown. Yeah that's right. Your fucking nose is getting bigger and redder by the day.
Pssst...... Alcohol Anonymous you phony fuck!