Rome And The U.S.: Compare


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What do you know, we just ran out of space. Sorry, maybe Mexico will have you.

Hmmm..Burrittos and Dos Equis or Sarah Palin as President? Violent Drug Cartel vs Woman who didn't know where Africa was. Big goofy hats and worthless currency or 4 years of NeoCon rule? Bah, too hard. I'll just go to Brazil.


Lost at Birth
Rome collapsed because some of its friends inserted an eel in its rectum as a joke. True story.
Ummmm, Cleopatra was Greek and never ruled rome. Octavious made sure of that. He must be talking about Justinian of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire. Even still, that notion is highly innacurate. Rome didn't fall because of one bad man, but because of several.

Most of what I've read, in all the centuries of Rome they only had two good rulers and a whole of bad ones.

BTW the comment wasn't Cleo ruled Rome, but was a sidekick. Which i think applied to her with Ceasar & Anthony.