Roger Clemens Trial

Will E Worm

I have no sympathy for Roger Clemens whatsoever. If people haven't learned by now....DON'T FUCKING LIE TO THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!

:facepalm: So, it is just fine for them to lie to us over and over again? :rolleyes:

They should not have been in this in the first place. So, whether he "lied" to them or not is inconsequential.


Hiliary 2020
I have no sympathy for Roger Clemens whatsoever. If people haven't learned by now....DON'T FUCKING LIE TO THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! It's not that hard....and they REALLY don't take too kindly to those who do. Clemens is a fake ass douchebag who, along with his cohorts essentially shit on an entire era of baseball (where the powers that be turned a blind eye to what was OBVIOUS to everyone who took off the blinders...just to make a quick buck....because, lets face it...all of the cheating DID put asses in the seats). When you are caught......fucking man up! As pathetic as our society can be....we usually forgive those who admit they did wrong IMMEDIATELY after they are caught. Clemens' excuses and explanations are laughable at best. I mean, does he REALLY think anyone really believes him?

Now steroids as a whole are not illegal....not even the kind that the baseball players were using. The fact is that they obtained them illegally and used them for an illegal purpose. I had a bad bout with vertigo last year....and I was on steroids for a week.....but I had an Rx....and they weren't the kind used by the players. Should they ease the restrictions? That's not the point. The point is that they are ILLEGAL for the purposes Clemens and others used them for. I liked the crowd that used to point out that they were not banned by baseball at the time. Who the fuck cares....they were ILLEGAL!!! That does not even go into the fact that Clemens and others like him were nothing more than cheats....who shit on the tradition, history, and intergrity of the game. I say fuck him and those like him. I'm not even going to touch the sex scandal surrounding him and a then underage girl who went on to become a country singer (who tried to kill herself) I'd say his chances of getting in the Hall of Fame are about as good as Marge Schott's....and I mean that.

Why did Congress get involved? Honestly, part of it was to be little kids oogling their sports idols. BUT, given that youth athletes emulate the conduct of the pros....that was where there was a genuine vested interest in Congress getting involved.

Finally, and in summation......the thing they are going after him is for LYING...not for all of the other illegal conduct. Anyone who is so cocky, arrogant, and fucking full of themselves that they are too stupid to learn from the past....that they would openly lie to the government.....well then....sorry....I don't feel fucking sorry for them in the slightest. At the end of the day....the government didn't do this to him....fuck nobody did this to him.....that is nobody but ROGER CLEMENS himself! :2 cents:

ok, but to what question/s did he lie about exactly?
Is there proof that he lied besides other peoples testimony?
I really don't know.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I don't agree that they should be illegal though.

I don't either. Problem is, they are and Mr. Clemens knew that when he deliberately took them to enhance his performance and longevity on the field of play. He got caught and then lied about it before Congress. Now, he's on trial for perjury. And you expect me to feel sympathy for this guy? :rolleyes: He had the world in the palm of his hand and fucked it up....idiot.

While I agree that perjury just can't be overlooked and has to be looked into I think what meesterperfect is getting at is that steroids in baseball should never been that important an issue in the first place that people had to go and testify before congress because of the inner workings of the on field competitive balance of a professional sport. I have to agree with him that just seems kind of silly, especially with all the other much more important issues that congress either seems incapable or unwilling to solve. That they spent all that time and effort to go though all of that doesn't make sense to me. That part I agree with meesterperfect about.

I also agree that I don't see much more of a reason steroids should be banned from mentally competent adults, although I don't have a problem with sports banning them from a fairness and competitive advantage standpoint. It shouldn't be the government's job to protect people from themselves.

D-rock....they aren't protecting people from themselves. They are protecting the consuming public from fraud. A huge part of the reason the government got involved in policing baseball is the fact that MLB enjoys exemption from anti-trust laws and therefore should be much more susceptible to government intervention in its matters if it is unable to manage itself. Obviously, this was the case in the 1990s and early 2000s under Bud Selig's "see no evil" blind-eye way of dealing with the issue when McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens and so many others were accomplishing things and attaining records that were thought to be untouchable.

If you want to have exemption from laws that limit competition, you had damned-sure be putting a legitimate product in front of the consumer. MLB was not so here comes Uncle Sam. Totally justified.

ok, but to what question/s did he lie about exactly?
Is there proof that he lied besides other peoples testimony?
I really don't know.

He denied ever taking steroids....that's what he allegedly lied about. That's what the trial is about, MP.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

I dearly hope that the Congress of the United States has bigger issues to deal with these days (or any day) than whether or not some ball player is/was taking a banned substance. I understand the legal implications if one commits perjury. But that we are focused on ball players and athletes, and not those who had a HEAVY hand in creating or exacerbating the financial crisis, really saddens me. So with that, I ask, when can we expect to see Lloyd Blanfein's slick ass being picked up by U.S. Marshals? At worst, Goldman will just pay another "without admitting or denying guilt" fine and that'll be the end of it. :facepalm:

We have this make believe "War on Drugs" going on, right? And I heard very recently that some ex ball player or rapper, or whatever he was, got caught running coke between L.A. and New York. Big headlines. Let's say he made a million or two while he was doing that. Big whoop! Regulators reprimand Wells Fargo for money laundering (oh golly gee willikers... a REPRIMAND - that'll teach 'em!) and U.S. Banks' Role in $39 Billion Illicit Drug Industry

So when can we expect the congressional hearings on why the fuck not single soul has been criminally charged in ANY of this???!!!


Sorry, but I just can't make myself care about Clemens or this situation. This, to me, is like the Romans making sure that all the gladiators are using regulation swords... while Attila and the Huns are advancing on the city.
Bloody hell!!! :brick:


Closed Account
Ok, so a guy who's job it is is to abuse his body for years takes something which in his case was probably only to help his body/muscles recover faster considering he was about 40 and had been throwing 100mph pitches routinely for 20 odd years and was forced to be in hearing over it.
Now he could do time.

You should have sympathy for the guy.
If he was in this situation for using protien shakes, power bars, creatine, amino acids , centrum silver or some other big business snake oil you'd probably have sympathy.
Oh but you heard the word steroid, I get it.

All moderate use of roids such as testosterones do is help the body increase testosterone levels which then increases protein synthesis so if youre working out or abusing your body like clemens was the muscle will recover faster and maintain its strength if you are eating right, especially high protein foods.
In his case it was more of a medical use than to try to become the next Ferrigno.
Its no big deal.

yeah true, temporary, like until he retires.
would you be against an athlete or any person getting a massage, acupunture, heat treatments, ect
or taking medicine for shoulder pain? I mean steriods are prescribed and invented for that reason in the first place, to help people recover from injuries and sicknesses.
It was his body, if he wanted to take something that helped him who is anybody to judge it wrong?

Steroids is illegal. It's an illegal enhancement and there is side effects to taking them long term.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Friggen hillbilly ruining the game of baseball by taking our steroids away!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Dude, he's totally natural.............................just like this guy.


Jon S.

ok, but to what question/s did he lie about exactly?
Is there proof that he lied besides other peoples testimony?
I really don't know.

What I am saying is that, had he admitted using steroids when he was questioned about it by Congress....they weren't going to do anything to him for that ILLEGAL act. Of course I believe, based upon the whole body of evidence that I have seen, that he did indeed lie about it.....and that's what they are going after him for.....they still aren't even going after him for the actual criminal act(s) that he lied about. Clemens is a smug, arrogant pos....and I genuinely believe he thought that Congress would eat his shit up. "Sadly" for him....they did not (well the Republicans did....but yeah). Eitherway, at the end of the day, Roger Clemens will never again be more than a piece of human garbage (the whole Mindy McCready thing and all)....and he only has himself to thank for that.

he getting in the hall of fame. period.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. I know for a FACT that SEVERAL baseball writers with a vote have said that they will not vote for I wouldn't exactly be holding my breath on that one. :2 cents:

:facepalm: So, it is just fine for them to lie to us over and over again? :rolleyes:

They should not have been in this in the first place. So, whether he "lied" to them or not is inconsequential.

Oh really? And here I had you pegged for a Bible thumper (when it's convenient anyway....ha ha ha!). Guess you missed that part about lying. Ha ha ha! Anyway, and seriously.....lying is lying.....and in Clemens' equates to a CRIME! As they say....two wrongs do not make a right, what the government does or does not do as a whole is what is actually INCONSEQUENTIAL in this case. So basically you are saying that it is okay to lie to the authorities when you feel they have no business asking you the question in the 1st place? :dunno: Anyway, what DOES matter is whether or not Clemens actually lied, under oath, in his testimony to Congress. I genuinely believe that the answer to that question is quite evident to any reasonable observer. Fuck, even Petite threw him under the bus by telling the truth. What did he gain from implicating Clemens again exactly? :dunno: Who are you going to believe? Clemens......OR EVERYBODY ELSE? Just sayin'

Will E Worm

Jon S.


The federal government should not have been in major league baseball's business in the first place. So, whether he "lied" to them or not is inconsequential.

Jon S.

Jon S.


The federal government should not have been in major league baseball's business in the first place. So, whether he "lied" to them or not is inconsequential.
Without debating the issue....through Congress' power to regulate Interstate Commerce...they can pretty much get involved in anything they see fit (and in this was under the guise of the whole drug issue). Besides, as I already simply do not lie to the government....especially under oath. It's all about respect....and that is a classic show of disrespect...So, of course they are going to go after arrogant people like Clemens. Bottom line, perjury is a crime....and we do not get to pick and choose when to tell the truth UNDER OATH....and not expect CONSEQUENCES when we choose to lie instead.



Hiliary 2020
ok, having said all this, now prove it.
spend millions more and put real problems on the[back burner to prove he lied.

and fuck vikki doogan