Why would I accept a previous offer, when you quoted Philbert. I took it to mean you were acknowledging him.
So... to me, you never made an offer.
Whoops! That WAS sloppy on my part! I've confused you with Philbert - probably because you display similar behavior. You come on to threads that I start, make wild claims, I disagree, then you get all pissy (oh, excuse me, you show your emotions.). In any case, I'll extend the same offer to you that I did him (I guess Philbert was the one who ignored my offer, so either he's REALLY accepting it or he just wants the chance to whine again in the future) - here's the deal:
"I find that you primarily serve to pollute the threads I start. It's as though you're stalking me here. Trolling. You just snipe and don't say anything substantive. Lots of ad hominem, nothing constructive or enlightening. I can think of several people here at the FO forum that I regularly disagree with but who still have interesting and constructive things to say, and they contribute to an edifying discussion. You are not among them.
So, is it a deal?
I'll be happy to steer well clear of any and all threads you start, and to never respond to any of your individual posts, as well..."
No, you don't get emotional. That's your problem. You appear to be above your use of emotions to make others and myself look like loons and yourself superior. Maybe if you had some genuine feelings about your beliefs. You would understand where I come from.
Maybe one day if you ever do feel... something, like anger or passion, you would have other things to do with your time than to read about life.
I experience life, I get angry, sad, happy and sometimes just for shits and giggles goofy too. Emotions are created when individuals interact in some sort of dynamic, or didn't you know this?
The above three paragraphs are nothing other than a perfect example of ad hominem. Your points about the subject matter were discredited and so now you're just taking wild stabs at my character, all without any basis in fact. You know next to nothing about me. You have no basis to ASSUME that I don't "experience life...get angry, sad, happy", etc. And I do plenty other than "read about life" - although I fail to see how that's much of a putdown, really. Yes, I read a lot. And that is a problem, how, exactly??
I appreciate engaging others in dispassionate arguments. I find the Limbaugh and O'Reilly playbook to be boring and unproductive. Interesting, authentic debates are not to be found on those shows - although they offer plenty of EMOTIONS (mostly anger, though - Glenn Beck's offering lots of tears though, lately, I noticed). If you like the yelling and screaming - as if that's required during a debate to prove that one is human or something (how lame) - I can see how you've worked in (conservative) talk radio before. Makes perfect sense.
If you wanted an intellectual debate... brother... you are in the WRONG place.
Speak for yourself, stampede. So the "FreeOnes Talk" section should really be more about (virtually) yelling, shouting, and lobbing cheap flames at each other, rather than say discussing things as intelligent adults?
I also don't buy the premise that a porn forum is necessarily or must be a hang-out for a bunch of knuckle-dragging cretins with nothing interesting to say. One can appreciate the female form and sex and things erotic without also thinking and having ideas about numerous other things (society, arts, politics, science, the state of humanity, etc.). Why CAN'T this be a place for intellectual debate of some sort?
Granted, there are others on this board that whole heartedly disagree with me on various issues, but at least they are friendly and engage me in discussions outside of political issues, or issues you deem to be inferior or unstimulating to your brain.
If we go back through every interaction we've ever had, I'd be willing to bet that you were the first to veer off the path of friendliness. Just because I tell you that I disagree or that I think you're wildly offbase (that is, offering my view) about something doesn't mean I'm unfriendly. If you don't wanna talk politics or society or whatever, then why come on a thread (such as this one) relating to it, that I started? I also have a fun thread that I started about "What Exactly Makes a Female Ass 'Hot'?" - is that more your cup of tea? If so, fine, please weigh in!! :hatsoff:
I said it before and I'll say it again, you don't like it. Don't engage.
(Where's the icon for the smiley guy slapping his forehead in disbelief???)
Sometimes I don't want to even come near you .... but dammit, sometimes I just can't help myself.
Wow, I'm kind of afraid to think about what that could mean...