Let's see....
The general consensus amongst those on the right is that Saddam was the one that funded Al Qaeda for the 9/11 attack. Is this true? I don't know.
Stamp, honestly, it isn't true. I'm not a friend of Saddam Hussein or his regime. And believe me, during the Second Gulf War (the first war between the US and Iraq, 1900-1991) most of us Germans had more reason for concern than any American, because his SCAT missiles actually had the range to reach Germany. So he has been quite a thread to us and I wouldn't defend him just to prove an American politician wrong.
But in this case I don't have to defend him, because this allegation just isn't true. Iraq under Saddam Hussein was actually one of the most progressive Arabic states and the first one that in its constitution clearly separated state and religion. Hussein may have been a tyrant, but he also was no fan of religious fanatics. He knew what had happend in Iran and would happe in Afghanistan. He was just interested in securing and hightening his secular and worldly power and making Iraq the dominant regional power. Why do you think he fought it out with Iran for eight years (supported by the USSR, France and the US)? The First Gulf War from 1980 to 1988 was a dish of ice-cream made from the "icy relations" stemming from a thousand year old feud between these two regions formerly know as Mesopotamia and Persia, with a sweet topping of powerhungry Saddam-chocolate and fundamentalistic Iran-sprinkles, both authoritarian on the verge of totalitarian.
Saddam Hussein considered religious fanatics a thread himself. He would have never supported the mullahs in Iran or the Taliban in Afghanistan. The only religious fundamentalists he supported were some Palestinian extremists. And for that he thought himself in the right, because Israel repeatedly violated his sovereign rights (for example when they just flew into Iraq and bombed a power plant in 1981 without international consent, UN mandate or even agreement of the US, Germany, Britain, the USSR or France).