
Heard a riddle on the way home from work tonight and the dastardly villain didnt give the answer....

What has 4 legs, runs all day, but never goes anywhere?

Anyone have a clue cause this one is killing me!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Or a 24 hour sand-timer.

According to most state laws, the attempt to commit a certain crime is punishable, but actually committing the crime is not. What is the crime?



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Good call. +Reppij, if it lets me.

4 seconds later update: Gotta spread elsewhere.
24 hour sand timer? anyone with a better answer, thanks for the attempt but i doubt thats the right answer there.
Another Riddle from the old Batman tv show/movie,

What weight 7 ounces sits in a tree and is very dangerous?
Romeo and Juliet are found dead on the floor in a bedroom. When they were discovered, there were pieces of glass and some water on the floor. The only furniture in the room is a shelf and a bed. The house in is a remote location, away from everything except for the nearby railway track. What caused the death of Romeo and Juliet?