Ricki Raxxx what size would you like her breast to be?

cunnilingophile Surprisingly my breast have feeling in the nipples. I think it's because when I was younger I was stupid and got my nipples pierced. My body kept rejecting the piercing and making the ring surface to the top of the skin causing my nipples to rip. Being young and stupid I kept getting them re pierced for a total of having each nipple pierced 8 diff times each. That's why my nipples are scared, however they are super sensitive, in a good way, from all that. Whats weird is when u have large boobs u lose feeling around your breast and at the nipple the nerve endings can't reach, however I have feeling in my nipples just not around my boob itself. I do love titty fucking because it's different and I am a very visual person and get off on it. I always think that I should've been born a man I love girls bodies, I love porn and I love strip clubs yet I'm not gay or bi!
antdog you crack me up. I love it that you say you spent a lot of time and money on porn,lol. It seems like the overall public says leave my boobs the way they are. I will keep you guys posted Jan 11 I have another dr. app. I have decided not to go a whole lot bigger then what I go now I just have to figure out how my dr is going to do the surgery.
Thanks for your response

Just keepin it real, I do love porn....

But it seems like you're going bigger regardless of what people say. Just dont do the hard beach balls, its just gross.

My fav of all time are Holly Body's, but again seems like you want bigger. Lisa Lipps are great but if you go that big you are definately living the freak life day to day with those giant balloons on your chest. I've hung out with Lisa and she does a lot of covering up with a vest or whatever when she's in public. Its kinda a freak show, but I still luv em! :wave:
Ricki... what you have just revealed to us has made me a fan for life! Now I can have fantasies about sucking your nipples and not have to speculate too wildly about whether or not you like attention to them! As for the titfucking I am dead and have gone to heaven - my fantasies for the next month or so will be exclusively about catering to your visually oriented cravings, haha.

Heh... usually the visual stimuli thing really is very much a guy thing, you're right about that. But don't worry about having been born the wrong gender, ok? All my girlfriends were more or less introduced to the joy of tittyfucking by yours truly and they were equally wild about both the visual aspect (one really enjoyed watching it in a mirror next to the bed) and the "mood" aspect (the thrill of knowing that they could make me incoherent with just their breasts), some even professing to love the sheer physical sensation (the hot smooth silky skin of my shaft against their breasts and the feel of my pulse throbbing in my erection over their hearts), the smaller-breasted ones getting a real kick from having me "nipplefuck" them with my erection rubbing against a nipple rather than between the breasts.
All of them were 100% feminine, so you have no worries, Ricki! You keep seeking your visual thrills, you gorgeous woman!

Anyway, you seem determined to go bigger so all I can do is wish you the best of luck.

Due to my very true username I am of course obliged to make the effort and ask you if you feel as good as you look when being licked and if you enjoy straddling a guy's face as he goes down on you (thus making my fantasies truly and mindblowingly complete) but I understand that I am getting way off-topic since this is a breast-thread... :)
Ricki, first off, love your boobs, loooove them, I would make camp in them for months if you'd let me. Eh hem, anyway. If you decide to bump them up a notch, I say go for it, but not much, as you've mentioned. Your knocks are close to Alyssa Alps in appearance, I think if you get them done they will look just like hers, but better of course ;) Look forward to updates :)
Went to dr today he can't stack the implants. My bodies frame isn't big enough and he doesnt want to give me the snoopy effect. In order for the implants to look right stacked i would have to go above 650 cc on bottom and then a smaller size implant on top. I dont have enough chest for all that i am petite and not wide enough in the chest area. Now he could give me 750 cc implant 100 more than i got over the muscle like i have now but that only takes me one cup bigger. He also said to wait two years for a new gel implant that's coming out. It's diff and better than the gel implants they got now and of course cost 80% more. He also said I would be at risk for bottoming out with the bigger over the muscle implant because the implants are heavy. So i was on a breast aug web site and seen there is a dr in ca who specializes in bigger implants so my dr said next time i am in ca to go see him n see what he says since he deals with the larger implants. So that's what I am going to do get a 2nd opinion from someone that specializes in what I want and see if he says if its do able. If not then that's fine to, my doc said my implants are in perfect condition and can keep what I have in me with no problem. So I guess now I will wait till spring when I go to ca to shoot n book a app with this other dr. I will as always keep you guys posted. Thanks so much for all your input. I appreciate you taking the time to chime in and include wonderful pics of many beautiful ta ta's. Have a great holiday guys b safe!
Your gorgeous babe. What ever you decide I'll support you lol....Saying hello from downunder (Australia)
I say go huge, and get a fake, overfilled look! You are already hot, but that would be off the charts!

If you need any info on docs that can do huge ones well, let me know, I can help you out.
Hi Ricki, kind of late on this but I agreed with most of the others, please stay the way you are. Hope to see you at AVN in Jan.


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Please don't change for bigger. I think you look fantastic :)
Rikki Raxxx! You are one of my favourite girls!! You are absolutely stunning, asn I don;t think you need to have larger breasts, they will not do anythin gfor you. I think they are perfect for you as they are. I am a fan of massive tits and yours are one of the best!
Love the tattoos and piercings too! I have sleeves and I have my tongue pierced 3 times and 4 piercings down my cock. You make me so fuckin horny!!!
Keep up the good work!!
hey its ur life, don't listen to all these winos....u decide for urself. ur tits are ur tits no one elses...