Re: Sinn Sage

you obviously havent seen my last post

That wasn't a scene. That was more like her fucking in her own private time, with the cameras rolling. I looked up that situation and in another forum, she said she was basically oblivious to the fact that cameras were rolling. I know she's a bisexual, or queer, whatever she wants to call herself. Definitely not straight, and loves girls. The only boys she's banging are non-industry. I read she has a boyfriend.


Bronze Member
Re: Sinn Sage

Here's some videos of sexy Sinn Sage with Lily LaBeau as two friends who escaped from a mental hospital and pussy licking and fingering each other in scene 4 of "Lesbian Hitchhikers 2":

Begins @ 078 and ends @ 110.


Bronze Member
Re: Sinn Sage

Here's some videos of sexy Sinn Sage with Jodi West pussy licking and fingering each other in the back seat of Jodi's car along side of the road in scene 2 of "Lesbian Hitchhikers 2":

Begins @ 111 and ends @ 139.
Re: Sinn Sage

That wasn't a scene. That was more like her fucking in her own private time, with the cameras rolling. I looked up that situation and in another forum, she said she was basically oblivious to the fact that cameras were rolling. I know she's a bisexual, or queer, whatever she wants to call herself. Definitely not straight, and loves girls. The only boys she's banging are non-industry. I read she has a boyfriend.

Who cares what she says, it's a video of her getting dicked and that's what matters. And in the lesbo boards where I saw the mentioned way before I reported it here they also mentioned a second hardcore B/G video. So anyone know what it is and where to find it?
Re: Sinn Sage

She's sporting a nasty hemorrhoid in her bangbros shoots, least she could do is play with dicks a little bit to make up for that turn off.

nice, that is so kind of you to notice that!
however, what you so kindly refer to as a hemorrhoid is actually an extra piece of skin i've had my entire life. rather than be ashamed of it, i've embraced it and refer to it as my "tail", and many people enjoy it very much and some people actually find it a huge turn on. sorry if you don't like it, you probably should stay away from my videos then.