Rewrite the U.S. Constitution?

Iceland is rewriting theirs, don't you think maybe we can at least update our (U.S.) constitution also? America today is quite different from the America of our Founding Fathers. Meanwhile, other nations have updated their constitutions successfully, bringing them more in line with modern democratic representation. I know some of You Might call it heresy to even discuss altering the constitution but who cares. So should the U.S. Constitution be updated and if so, how? What amendments would you recommend?

Iceland rewriting constitution
There wouldn't be much use in us rewriting ours when politicians here just ignore it half the time when it's convenient for them to do so.


Closed Account
Iceland is rewriting theirs, don't you think maybe we can at least update our (U.S.) constitution also? America today is quite different from the America of our Founding Fathers. Meanwhile, other nations have updated their constitutions successfully, bringing them more in line with modern democratic representation. I know some of you might call it heresy to even discuss altering the constitution but who cares. So should the U.S. Constitution be updated and if so, how? What amendments would you recommend?

Iceland rewriting constitution

5 main points

#1-Iceland's bankrupt.
#2-It's illegal to "rewrite" the Constitution.Maybe the Republicans should have rewritten the Constitution in 2005 outlawing the Democratic and all left wing parties?..No, that would be again the 1st amendment, and even though I lean right, the Constitution counts more than all the fucking politicians in the world.
#3-Representation works better than democracy, always has, always will.We need to let states start choosing their Senators again, since it was the states who created the federal government, not the federal government which created the states.
#4-We need to start enforcing the Constitution it and stop ignoring it.
#5-Will the Constitution go from being originally 4 pages long when it was drafted to 5,000 pages today?
There wouldn't be much use in us rewriting ours when politicians here just ignore it half the time when it's convenient for them to do so.

Agree. Our problem isn't remotely with the rights and authorities spelled out in our constitution. It's with the rank failure of our g'ment officials to follow it...if they even know what's in it in some cases.
Right now our government is paid for by corporations and special interest groups. If government did their jobs and enforced the laws that are already on the books, then there is no need to. As we get ourselves deeper in debt, more jobs go over seas, the cost of living increases, wages decrease or stagnate, the more the people are going to have an influence on our officials. Right now it has not reached that critical level but we are on the path that is for sure.

There is one thing they do need to put into the Constitution and that is make English the official language of the country.

Will E Worm

It's illegal to "rewrite" the Constitution.

We need to start enforcing the Constitution it and stop ignoring it.

:clap: There are many other places for people to move to if they do not like America.
Better you just apologise to the British and hand control back to them, you tried your best but it just didn't work out.


Iceland is rewriting theirs, don't you think maybe we can at least update our (U.S.) constitution also?
No! I couldn't give a rats arse what tiny socialist Iceland does with their constitution. :rolleyes:
America today is quite different from the America of our Founding Fathers.
Don't knock what ya got before first researching what you might be reduced to should a constitutional convention take place i.e.
Be careful what you wish for.... you might get it, immediately comes to mind.
Meanwhile, other nations have updated their constitutions successfully, bringing them more in line with modern democratic representation.
America is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, in fact, the word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights nor within the text of each of the individual 50 states. Democracy is rule by mob plain and simple, a 51% majority shall not deprive the 49% minority of their rights.

The Constitution of the United States of America *as it is currently written* shall remain as the supreme law of the land.

I know some of you might call it heresy to even discuss altering the constitution but who cares.
I care! Go revolt in Mexico city or something... after all, Mexico has the 11th highest GNP among nations of the world, why is there such widespread poverty in Mexico? Where are the modern highways and much needed infrastructure in Mexico? How do the good Mexican people allow their gov-ment to roll over them like they do? :dunno: I always thought that the Mexican people were bold and courageous? Start a revolution in Mexico if you want to do something constructive... force the exorbitantly lavish, wealthy and often times arrogant minded Mexican government to answer to their people, just leave our Constitution the fuck alone, just because it isn't perfect doesn't mean that it's not great!
So should the U.S. Constitution be updated and if so, how? What amendments would you recommend?
Iceland rewriting constitution
Sorry... I still don't care about the Icelandic constitutional revamp.:sleep:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Why rewrite it? Waste of time. We don't follow it as it is anyway. So what difference does it make? The past several presidents have used it to wipe their ass. As will the next several, regardless of what that worthless piece of paper says.
Um...we re-write the Constitution all the time.

They're called Amendments.


I can't believe it took that long for this response.

Anyway, like others have said, why bother? We're bombing Libya and spending millions each day; all without any Congressional approval. And the SCOTUS practically nullified the 4th Amendment last month.

When the dollar fails and the TSA sticks their finger up your ass before you can get on a bus, shit should get interesting real quick.
What exactly would you change about it?

Right to bear arms? Okay, perhaps. But what else?

I think it's fine the way it is. Most problems stem from the government contradicting the Constitution.


Closed Account
Um...we re-write the Constitution all the time.

They're called Amendments.


She was talking about rewriting the whole thing, not adding an amendment.Kind of like throwing everything out and starting fresh.


That's right! If you don't like it here you can go somewhere else, kill off all the native people, steal their land and call your new country the greatest on Earth. :dunno:

No mention about how the Canadians treated their native population prior to their founding, eh? I guess the textbooks conveniently left that chapter out ... that figures :facepalm:
America already paid due reparations to the native Americans.... it's called Native American gaming!:tongue: