Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Trailer


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It was one of two storyline DLC's.
i never even finished RE:5 i was in the room with wesker as he was doing his X-men Night-crawler disappearing act and i kept getting killed or running out of ammo. couldn't figure out what to do or how to beat him....ripped the disc out of my system & never put it back in since then! i think i am going to move on from this franchise

ask her how to beat him...ill put the game back in and finish it!.... maybe it will change my mind on RE:ORC ??..??..??

i actually have to check to see if i still have the game save on my HD. FUCK! if it is not there i am going to be pissed.

on the teleport scene where he just moves really fast, you have to just survive him for 5 minutes, then it goes to a cut scene.

here is the ending scene

about the PM, I lied

SO! after all that ....i did finish the game... i'm a dope!
It looks good from what I see. I will wait and see after it comes out and I hear the internet praise or cry over it.
I love the Resident Evil games. I just hope the new one is much longer than the last one. I beat RE5 in 6 hours so it was kind of a let down...

By yourself or with a friend? Probably took me like 12 hours the first time through with a pal.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I love the Resident Evil games. I just hope the new one is much longer than the last one. I beat RE5 in 6 hours so it was kind of a let down...

The shortness was your only complaint?


Official Checked Star Member
It's actullay not been a bad game so far if u like the L4D style of gaming.

U have urself and 3 others (bots) to deal and knock on wood the AI in the bots hasn't been too bad so far.

I have greatly enjoyed the game so far the only problem I have had is I dont play console games as much as I do PC so I am re-fimilarizing myself with the controller again :)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What is this!? It's blood, I hope it's not Chris' blood!
Haven't played it, but I heard that it's absolutely terrible if you play it with the AI partners. Not sure if its any better with friends, but I'm definitely not gonna bother with it. Just wait for RE6, which will be the Tits for sure.
Haven't played it, but I heard that it's absolutely terrible if you play it with the AI partners. Not sure if its any better with friends, but I'm definitely not gonna bother with it. Just wait for RE6, which will be the Tits for sure.

i just saw a preview of RE:6 in a gaming magazine...i was taken back...cause i saw it was made by capcom,and i remember seeing this thread saying this game isn't made by capcom. i was confused- but then again why would anyone get Operation Raccoon City with a real RE game coming soon?
The AI isn't as bad as people say. This game is meant to be played with friends. I've found it actually pretty fun with friends.